Teller Report

A total of 204 road sections in 19 provinces have been closed due to rain, snow and icy roads.

2/23/2024, 2:21:52 AM

Highlights: A total of 204 road sections in 19 provinces have been closed due to rain, snow and icy roads. Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Tibet, Shaanxi, Qinghai, Ningxia, Gansu, and Xinjiang have a total of204 closed road sections and 1,770 toll stations.

  China News Service, February 23. According to China Road Network Weibo, as of 7:00 on the 23rd, affected by rain, snow and icy roads, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, and Guangdong , Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Tibet, Shaanxi, Qinghai, Ningxia, Gansu, and Xinjiang have a total of 204 closed road sections and 1,770 toll stations.

Details are as follows:

  Shanxi (47 toll stations closed and 6 road sections closed): G22 Qinglan Expressway from Nanxindian to Hukou Scenic Area, G59 Hubei Expressway from Xixian North to Hejin North Section, G2211 Changyan Expressway from Huozhou West to Yonghe Qiankun Bay Scenic area section, G3511 Hebao Expressway from Jiangxian west to Yingyan section, S5503 Jincheng Ring Expressway all the way, S5902 Yuncheng Ring Expressway all the way;

  Jiangsu (3 sections closed): G328 Taizhou section, S272 Xuzhou section, S354 Taizhou section;

  Anhui (278 toll stations closed, 4 road sections closed): G329 Taihushan section, S345 Dongfengqiao to Banqiao section, Xuancheng section, S346 Jingzhou to Jiapeng section;

  Jiangxi (77 toll stations closed, 5 road sections closed): G353 Jiujiang City Maozhushan Forest Farm Mountain Section, Yichun City Jing'an County Zhongyuan Section, S218 Yichun City Jing'an County Guanzhuang Section, S225 Pingxiang City Shangli Section, S417 Nanchang City Zhongyuan Section The section from Japan Friendship Forest Farm to Guilin Village;

  Henan (284 toll stations closed, 1 road section closed): S310 Jiyuan section;

  Hubei (94 toll stations closed, 33 road sections closed): G42 Hurong Expressway from Hurong to Jingmen Interchange to the southern section of Jingmen, G7011 Shitian Expressway from Shibai to Zhangwan to the provincial border section, G346 Macheng section, S201 Yingshan section , S204 Luotian section, S209 Tongshan Jiugongshan section, S222 Yingshan section, S236 Huangmei section, Qichun section, Tanlin Hedong village to Wuyunshan section, S241 Tuanfeng section, S258 Huangmei section, Longxi village to Taiping section, S279 Yanwan section, S309 Yingshan section, Luotian section, S319 Chibi section, Chongyang section, Xian'an section, S320 Hong'an section, S334 Xiaonan section, S342 Yichang section, S356 Fushui to Tongshan section, S357 train Liangzhiyangang section, S359 Chibi section and Chongyang section, S361 Chibi section, S402 section from Fangpu Village to Wuxue Jieling, S406 Huangmei section, Qichun section, S407 Hong'an section, S410 Hong'an section, S413 to Wangying Reservoir Xiandao Lake section;

  Hunan (144 toll stations closed, 14 road sections closed): G4 Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway Yueyang Section, G56 Hangrui Expressway Yueyang Section, G72 Quannan Expressway Hengyang Section, G0422 Wushen Expressway Zhuzhou Section, S01 Ningshao Expressway Changsha Section, S10 Zhang Hunan Expressway section in western Hunan, S75 Shaoping Expressway Shaoyang section, S80 Hengshao Expressway Hengyang section, S99 Longyong section of Longji Expressway, S327 Xiongjia to Huangjiachong section, S522 Fengxiangpo to Qingguandu section, S318 Tianma to Guzhangcheng Section, S241 section from Luojiaqiao Village to Yangjiaxi, S207 section from Wujia'ao to Xianghua;

  Guangdong (2 toll stations closed, 1 road section closed): G4 Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway Shaoguan Section;

  Sichuan (10 toll stations closed, 4 road sections closed): G5 Beijing-Kunming Expressway Ya'an City Yalu Section, Liangshan Prefecture Mianning Section, G244 Bazhong City Nanjiang County Shumen Qinguan to Taoyuan Temple Section, S302 Bazhong City Tong The section from Bayandian to Chengdaoban Sancha intersection in Jiang County;

  Chongqing (2 sections closed): G75 Lanhai Expressway Chongqing-Guizhou section, G7521 Yuzhu Expressway Anwen North Interchange to the Chongqing-Guizhou border section;

  Guizhou (382 toll stations closed, 52 road sections closed): G56 Hangrui Expressway from Bapan to Sinan East Section, Jiancha to Fuxing Section, Jinsha to Yuchong Section, G6002 Guiyang Ring Expressway Longdongbao Service Area to Huaxi Section, The section from Hunan-Guizhou boundary to Kaili boundary, the section from Daliangtian hub to Longli west section, the section from Pingle to Chaile of G69 Yinbai Expressway, the section from Yinzhan hub to Yangchang hub, the section from Niulangguan interchange to Hualongtian Bridge, G7512 Zhurong Expressway Huajue to Qingchi section, G7521 Yuzhu Expressway Sheka Interchange to Yangchang Interchange section, G75 Lanhai Expressway Majiang Interchange to Xinzhai section, G7611 Duxiang Expressway Wuyang Interchange to Huishui hub section, G76 The section from Qingzhi Interchange to Sanchahe Bridge and the section from Longchang to Yi of Xia-Rong Expressway, S01 section from Jinzhu Interchange to Yangmeibao Interchange of Guiyang South Ring Expressway, S07 section from Majiang hub to Sankeshu hub of Kaili Ring Expressway, S08 Duyun Ring Expressway Yangliu Street to Wuyang Interchange Section, S10 Yinxi Expressway Dejiang to Nangan Service Section, S11 Guiyang Outer Ring Expressway Changshun Hub to Caopai Interchange Section, S12 Songdao Expressway Jiujiang Interchange to Xinmin Interchange Section, Xinchang Interchange to Youxi Interchange Section, S14 Xinjin Expressway Yongle to Jianba Section, S15 Songcong Expressway Baguanxi Interchange to Dalong Interchange Section, Tianzhu to Congjiangdong Section, S17 Xiuyin Expressway Shiliang to Langxi Interchange Section , S19 Jiangyu Expressway Zhujiachang Interchange to Minhe Service Section, S19 Yujiang Expressway Huangmuchong Interchange to Zhujiachang Section, Minhe Service Area to Minxiao Interchange Section, S25 along Rong Expressway Chongqing-Guizhou Border to Hexing Interchange Section , the section from Shiqian North to Censong Interchange, the section from Zhaitou Interchange ramp to Zhaihao, the S29 Deyu Expressway Hexing Interchange to Yuqing Xiaoji hub section, the S30 Jiangqian Expressway Yuejiazhai Interchange to the western section of Fodingshan, and the Baixi Interchange to the Lianglukou interchange section, the Sheka hub to Hanjiadian interchange section, the S32 Yuxin Expressway Hetang interchange to Zunyi boundary section, the S36 Yupan Expressway Baiyangping to Fengjiazhuang interchange section, and the S42 Kaifu Expressway Lubi hub to Machangping interchange section. Section, S55 Renwang Expressway from Xinhua to Shajing Section, S62 Yuzu Expressway from Yuqing Shibing Junction to Yangjia Interchange Section, S63 Kaichong Expressway from Changpo Interchange to Zhongcheng Interchange Section, S72 Jianli Expressway from Bazhouhe Interchange to Gaotun section, S82 Zhuda Expressway Baiyun Interchange to Baili Dujuan west section, S84 Tianzhen Expressway Tianzhu Interchange to Sansui South section, Pingshu Interchange to Yangmanshao Interchange section, G211 Zhenyuan section, G242 Tianzhu section, G243 Zundong section , G352 Songtao Section, Zheng'an Section, G354 Yuqing Section;

  Tibet (4 sections closed): G219 Xiongzhu La Mountain section, G560 Yangtso La Mountain section of Cona City, G562 Baima Qulin to Timber Inspection Station section, S208 Puzhen La Mountain section;

  Shaanxi (284 toll stations closed, 62 road sections closed): G5 Beijing-Kunming Expressway Xiyu Section, Xihan Section, Hanning Section, G22 Qinglan Expressway Yifu Section, G2211 Changyan Expressway Extension Section, G30 Lianhuo Expressway West Bao section, Xiwei section, G3002 Xi'an Ring Expressway Hechizhai to Jiangqu section, G3511 Hebao Expressway Tongxun section, G40 Shanghai-Shaanxi Expressway business section, G65 Baomao Expressway Xifu section, Jingfu section, Anchuan section, G6522 extension West Extension Section of West Expressway, G70 Fuyin Expressway West Chang Section, Lanshang Section, Shangman Section, G7011 Shitian Expressway Baiquan Section, G85 Yinkun Expressway Baoji Section, S02 Xi'an Outer Ring Expressway Section, S16 Yanwu Expressway Yanding Section , S28 Meifeng Expressway Taifeng Section, S30 Danning Expressway Commercial Section, G108 Zhouzhi County Mazhaojin Mountain Pass Section, Qinling Road Section, G210 Jiangkou Town Shaping Village to Chengguan Town Laocheng Village Section, Fengyukou Public Security Inspection Station Section, Shiquan County Lianghe Xinchun Village section of the town, the old toll station section of Xinhua Village, Raofeng Town, Shiquan County, Damaoya Road section, Xiaomaoya Road section, G211 Huanghualing to Huaping, G242 Anshan Village to Xishilin Village section, Yanchangangou ramp section, Luonan Section Huanglongling to Shimen Daoban, Wuzhuang Section, Huayin Section, G244 section from Wuding boundary to Yushuping Village, Lujiao Village to Shaanxi-Gansu boundary section, Xishenba High Bridge to Platform, G341 Hecha to Kangjiagou , Liuping to Taogou, Zhiwu boundary to Yushuping Village, G342 Cuimu Town in Linyou County to Linyong boundary section, Qilin junction to Majiahe section, G344 Jianganling to Dongdi Village, G345 Lueyang Xiakou Station Section, Huasugou to Niuerchuan section, G541 Hualong Village section of Shangzhu Town, Zhenping County, Jinling Village section of Zhongbao Town, Zhenping County, S101 Jiuba Road Intersection section of Lantian County, S102 Jinping Village of Zengjia Town, Zhenping County to Liulicun section, S201 along Huangguang Road, Fanjiawa to Longerze section, S211 Jinzhulin to Baicaoliang, Ziyang County Haoping Town Haoping Village to Donghe Town Majiazhuang Village section, Hengkou Demonstration Area Tang The section from Wancun to Shishi Village in Hongshan Town and the concentrated village section in Hengkou Demonstration Zone, S232 from Tanjiawan Village to Daling Tunnel, S311 from Liangting Town in Linyou County to Yangyinguan, and S313 from Jiguanling to Hongyansi Street. , Dongyue Temple section of Yangxie Town;

  Qinghai (11 toll stations closed, 4 road sections closed): G0611 Ping'a section of Zhangwen Expressway, G0612 Huangmang section of Xihe Expressway, G0613 Gongyu section of Xili Expressway, S201 Sichuan-Dalian section;

  Ningxia (81 toll stations closed, 6 road sections closed): G22 Qinglan Expressway Qinglan Interchange to Maojiagou section, G1816 Uma Expressway Hongwei Junction to Pingjibao section, G6 Beijing-Tibet Expressway Shishilidian to Huinong section, Xingren to Taoshan interchange section, G70 Fuyin Expressway Liupanshan to Taoshan section, G20 Qingyin Expressway Binhe New Area to Ningdongnan section;

  Xinjiang (8 toll stations closed, 3 road sections closed): G0612 West and Expressway Yitunbulake to Milan section, Ruoqiang East to Yitunbulake section, S303 Line Tianshan Township to Koumenzi section;

  One toll station in Inner Mongolia was closed; 24 toll stations in Zhejiang were closed; and 44 toll stations in Gansu were closed.

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