Teller Report

(Going to the grassroots in the New Year) From looking at the scenery to "entering the scenery" Chinese young people fall in love with Chinese style and ancient culture during the New Year

2/23/2024, 12:53:39 PM

Highlights: Chinese young people fall in love with Chinese style and ancient culture during the New Year. During the Spring Festival, the tourism market across China is booming. Young people travel during different times and embark on a journey to find the beauty of the ancient Chinese style. Tourists wearing "Warring States robes" took photos at the Stone Carvings Museum of Daming County, Handan City, Hebei Province. Thousands of people went to a "Dream of Red Mansions" together.

  China News Service, Shijiazhuang, February 23: From looking at the scenery to "entering the scenery" Chinese young people fall in love with Chinese style and ancient culture Year

  Author Zhao Danmei

  Watch lantern festivals, enjoy night views, and taste delicious food... During the Spring Festival, the tourism market across China is booming.

However, in addition to "looking for the flavor of the New Year", many young people have decided to travel during different times and embark on a journey to find the beauty of the ancient Chinese style.

Gain "adventures" in the museum

  Wearing a flashing red "fireworks makeup" and wearing a short coat with a dragon-patterned horse-face skirt, Wang Zihui from Liaocheng, Shandong decided to see the ancients' preference for the "dragon" element in the Hebei Museum.

  The dragons of the Shang and Zhou dynasties are mysterious and unpredictable, the dragons of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period are ever-changing, and the dragons of the Tang Dynasty are gorgeous and gorgeous... When entering the Hebei Museum, many cultural relics with dragon elements attract the attention of tourists.

"The bronze base with four dragons and four phoenixes in gold and silver is a small table used by ancient people to sit on the floor. This gilt and silver copper pot with a dragon pattern is an exquisite wine vessel..." As a lover of traditional Chinese culture, Wang Zihui prepared a "strategy" in advance and took her friends to review the ancient lifestyle.

  Wang Zihui said that she is keen on "exhibition-style socializing" and likes to explore the loveliness of ancient cultural relics with new friends.

"In museums, you can see the rise and fall of civilizations and the creation of human wisdom. The journey of cultural museums is like an adventure, allowing us to 'dialogue' with the ancients."

Dressed in the "Warring States Robe", three thousand years

  On the eve of the Lantern Festival, Du Xiaowei, the person in charge of Fenghe Huafu Experience Center in Daming County, Handan City, Hebei Province, got busy early in the morning. Based on the traffic during the Spring Festival holiday, she expected to provide makeup services to 30 customers today.

  During the Spring Festival holiday in Handan, tourists wearing "Warring States robes" became a beautiful sight.

Handan, with a history of more than 3,000 years, was not only the capital of Zhao State during the Warring States Period, but also one of the important birthplaces of Chinese civilization.

On February 5, tourists wearing "Warring States robes" took photos at the Stone Carvings Museum of Daming County, Handan City, Hebei Province.

Photo by Yu Ran

  "I saw the 'Warring States Robe' cross-dressing that everyone took here on the Internet, and I was immediately attracted." According to tourist Liu Zixuan, compared with many ancient "Internet celebrity" cities such as Xi'an and Luoyang, this 3,000-year-old city has The renamed ancient capital adds to the mystery and vividly displays the splendor and glory of China's Warring States Period.

  Dressed in the "Warring States Robe", these cultural IPs with local characteristics allow tourists to immerse themselves in the charm of history, and also allow businesses that provide one-stop services to experience ancient costumes such as rental clothing and makeup photography to gain "large traffic" and promote Integration of local culture and tourism.

Thousands of people went to a "Dream of Red Mansions" together

  "'A Dream of Red Mansions' can be said to be the book that inspired me to fall in love with Chinese classical literature." On the eve of the Lantern Festival, Yang Yanwen, dressed in Ming Dynasty Hanfu and carrying a dragon-shaped lantern, came to "Only a Dream of Red Mansions·Drama Fantasy City" in Langfang, Hebei ", hoping to experience how the ancients celebrated the Lantern Festival.

  Yang Yanwen said that the Lantern Festival customs were mentioned many times in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions". Customs such as watching lanterns, watching operas, listening to books, guessing lantern riddles, and eating Lantern Festival were very interesting and attracted many people dressed in brocade and embroidered clothes. Experience the Eastern aesthetics in classics.

On February 11, tourists checked in at "Only Dream of Red Mansions·Drama Fantasy City" in Langfang, Hebei Province.

Photo by Jia Jun

  "During the Spring Festival holiday, 'Only a Dream of Red Mansions Drama City' has a cumulative passenger flow of nearly 60,000. The place integrates Chinese aesthetics and philosophy into modern architecture, as well as ubiquitous drama elements, which are Chinese aesthetics that young people like very much." Dream Langfang said Xiao Feng, deputy general manager of the marketing company.

  In Xiao Feng's view, today's young people have a strong interest in the lifestyles and life scenes of ancient people, which reflects their recognition of the values ​​and emotions of traditional Chinese culture.

And as Chinese traditional culture continues to move into the public eye in recent years, in such an environment, more young people can deeply experience the beauty of Chinese traditional culture.

  "Immersive tourism can be said to have changed the original extensive and simple tourism, making people pay more attention to the connotation of tourism culture. This is exactly in line with young people's preferences for interaction and emphasis on experience, and is also a growth point for future development." Hebei Normal University Shen Hejiang, a professor specializing in tourism management, said that various localities should explore local characteristics and folk culture, strengthen public management services, and provide more abundant and diversified tourism products and services based on tourist needs.
