Teller Report

"My uncle died after shaving his head in the first month of the year"? Expert: There is no scientific basis

2/23/2024, 6:42:06 PM

Highlights: "My uncle died after shaving his head in the first month of the year"? Expert: There is no scientific basis. When dealing with traditional culture, we should "take the essence and discard the dross" Some traditional customs must be passed on; the parts that are obviously dross must be resolutely abandoned. For example, during the Spring Festival, the seventh day of the first lunar month was Human Day, and generally children could not teach anything, not teach their parents anything, etc. The reason why "nostalgia" is widely spread as "dead uncle" may be related to the different understandings of civilians in ancient daily life.

  China News Service, Beijing, February 24 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) Recently, "My nephew's uncle who had a haircut died in the first month and became a defendant" has been on the hot search.

This also triggered a discussion among many netizens: Where did the saying "My uncle died after shaving his head in the first month" come from?

Can I get a haircut in the first month?

  During the interview, the reporter learned that experts believe that "uncle died after shaving his head in the first month of the lunar month" is a statement without scientific basis, and its origin is likely to be caused by false rumors.

Moreover, the excellent parts of traditional customs must be passed on; the parts that are obviously dross must be resolutely abandoned.

  Image source: Weibo screenshot

Where does this statement come from?

  Where did the saying "Uncle died after having a haircut in the first month" or "Uncle died after having a haircut in the first month"?

  In this regard, Tang Zhiqiang, secretary-general of the Twenty-Four Solar Terms Protection and Inheritance Alliance, explained that there is a view that after the Qing army entered the customs, the Qing government issued an edict to "shave their hair", which aroused strong opposition from some people and was unwilling to shave their hair. This gradually emerged There was a saying that not shaving your head in the first month was "reminiscing about the past". Later, it was rumored and spread, and it became "shaving your head in the first month will kill your uncle".

  Such explanations have a strong historical connotation.

Meng Lingfa, associate professor at the School of Law and Sociology of Chongqing Technology and Business University, said that the reason why "nostalgia" is widely spread as "dead uncle" may be related to the different understandings of civilians in ancient daily life.

  "In traditional ethical concepts, people often believe that 'my mother is my uncle'. As time goes by, the saying 'my uncle will be killed by shaving his head in the first month' has become more and more important, so it has become more and more widespread," he said.

  As the saying goes, "After the Laba Festival, the New Year begins." At this time, there are a series of folk customs to get rid of the old and welcome the new. For example, getting a haircut before the Chinese New Year (during the twelfth lunar month), hoping to welcome the arrival of the New Year with a new look.

In addition, people believe that you should not use scissors during the first month, otherwise you will continue to talk.

  Taken together, Meng Lingfa mentioned that according to relevant statements in the "Huangdi Neijing", the first month happens to be when Yang Qi rises and all things revive.

The ancients believed that we should follow nature, go to bed early and get up early, and let our hair grow freely.

Maybe this is also the reason why the saying "you can't get a haircut in the first month" is formed.

  In addition, Tang Zhiqiang introduced that there is also a folk saying that "shaving your head in the first month" originally meant "missing your uncle", expressing respect and longing for your uncle. Later, due to factors such as homophony and rumors, "missing your uncle" slowly evolved into "missing your uncle". ”, haircuts became taboo.

  He believes that there is no scientific basis for the saying that "his uncle will die from having his head shaved in the first month of the lunar month", and he should still get a haircut when it's time.

When dealing with traditional culture, we should "take the essence and discard the dross." Some traditional customs reflect the harmonious coexistence between man and nature and are the experiences accumulated by our ancestors in dealing with nature and should be passed on; some things are dross. , must be resolutely abandoned.

  In ancient times, there were some "taboos" during the first lunar month, Meng Lingfa said. For example, you should not say unlucky words during the Spring Festival, the seventh day of the first lunar month was Human Day, and parents generally could not teach children anything, etc.

With the changes of the times and the development of science and technology, more and more "taboos" have been eliminated by people actively or unconsciously.

  Image source: Weibo screenshot

Why "February 2, shave the dragon's head"?

  In fact, there is a folk saying that "on February 2, the dragon raises its head". As the saying goes, "on February 2, the dragon's head is shaved." People pay attention to getting a haircut on that day, which will have good luck throughout the year.

  Some people believe that the "dragon raising its head" originated from the ancients' astronomical observations and imagination.

Ancient ancestors determined the farming season by observing celestial phenomena very early, and "dragon raising its head" is one of the seasonal celestial phenomena.

  Tang Zhiqiang explained that "February 2" is close in time to the Jingzhe solar term. Ancient China was a farming society, and people attached great importance to spring plowing. The dragon has auspicious and beautiful meanings in traditional culture. Its appearance means that the rainy season is coming, and farming and production can be achieved. .

  "According to the concept of harmony between man and nature, all things grow at this time. In the past, people were more willing to get their hair cut on this day to echo the changes in nature and hope for good luck." He said, this also reflects the concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. .
