Teller Report

US President Joe Biden's brother testified before Congress that Biden was not involved in family business activities

2/22/2024, 6:43:28 AM

Highlights: US President Joe Biden's brother testified before Congress that Biden was not involved in family business activities. Republicans have launched an investigation into the overseas business dealings of Biden himself and his family members and associates. Biden has previously denied that he had any knowledge of his son Hunter's overseas business affairs. But Republicans have yet to provide evidence directly linking Biden to his son's business dealings. The impeachment investigation process has been stalled for months, with Republicans seeking to use the Biden family's overseas financial problems as a breakthrough.

  China News Service, February 22 (Xinhua) According to the Associated Press, on the 21st local time, James Biden, the younger brother of U.S. President Joe Biden, testified before Congress when being questioned by Republican members that his brother Biden "never participated." business transactions of other members of the family.

  According to reports, James said in his opening statement that day, "I have been involved in various business fields for 50 years, and Joe Biden has never been involved in any of them, nor has he ever obtained any direct or indirect financial interest in these activities. Never. .”

  According to reports, as part of the House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry into Biden, the questioning that day lasted for more than eight hours.

During a break, some Republican lawmakers present told reporters that James' answers contradicted his opening statement and that he had been trying to avoid answering directly questions from investigators.

  "He said a lot of contradictory things in his testimony," said Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz.

"When you see the transcript, you'll understand."

  The report also stated that Republican lawmakers have held multiple hearings recently, seeking to use the Biden family's overseas financial problems as a breakthrough to promote the impeachment investigation process that has been stalled for months.

  In addition, House Republicans also pointed the finger at Biden's son Hunter Biden and suggested that he had "corruption issues" from before the start of the 2020 presidential campaign.

Republicans have launched an investigation into the overseas business dealings of Biden himself and his family members and associates, and have raised alarms about the flow of foreign funds to the "first family."

  But Republicans have yet to provide evidence directly linking Biden to his son's overseas business dealings.

Biden has previously denied that he had any knowledge of Hunter's overseas business affairs.