Teller Report

Tag found at collapsed shrine proves local legend Nanao Ishikawa

2/22/2024, 11:13:53 AM

Highlights: Tag found at collapsed shrine proves local legend Nanao Ishikawa. The main hall of the shrine was relocated from the national historic site. The shrine's worship hall collapsed in the earthquake, and the main shrine was damaged by leaning and its foundation shifted. After the main Shrine is dismantled, it will be stored in Nakanoto Town and its future use will be considered. *Only the right side of Tsurugi was found in the attic of Kotohira Shrine in Mishima-cho.

[NHK] A wooden tag was found in the attic of a shrine in Nanao City, Ishikawa Prefecture that collapsed in the Noto Peninsula Earthquake, and according to the city, the main shrine of the shrine is...

A wooden tag was found in the attic of a shrine in Nanao City, Ishikawa Prefecture, which collapsed in the Noto Peninsula Earthquake.According to the city, the main hall of the shrine was relocated from the national historic site ``Mt. Isurugi'' in Nakanoto Town, according to local legend. This means that the statement indicating this has been confirmed.

The main shrine of Kotohira Shrine in Mishima-cho, Nanao City is said to have been relocated from Mt. Isurugi, a national historic site in Nakanoto-cho, which was once a sacred place for mountain worship.

The shrine's worship hall collapsed in the earthquake, and the main shrine was damaged by leaning and its foundation shifted, so demolition work is underway.

In conjunction with this, Nanao City and others investigated the inside of the building and found a wooden ridge tag written in 1899 in the attic, with words such as ``Honishikidozan*Tsurugi-Kingenshaya'' written on the ridgeplate. I did.

This indicates that the main shrine was relocated from Mt. Isurugi, as legend has it.

According to Nanao City, after the main shrine is dismantled, it will be stored in Nakanoto Town and its future use will be considered.

Masayasu Kitabayashi, curator of the Nanao City Board of Education, said, ``This proves that the shrine built on Mt. Isurugi in 1827 was rebuilt as the main shrine.I think it is a historically important discovery.'' We were talking.

*Only the right side of Tsurugi