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Pakistani general: Al-Aqsa flood is a military miracle, and Israel suffers defeat

2/22/2024, 6:21:34 AM

Highlights: Pakistani general: Al-Aqsa flood is a military miracle, and Israel suffers defeat. Former Pakistani Defense Minister and retired General Naeem Khalid Lodhi said that what the Palestinian resistance did on October 7th is considered amilitary miracle by all standards. Lodhi confirmed in an interview with Al Jazeera Net that a group of fighters numbering in the hundreds from the Gaza Strip attacked the military barracks of a large, advanced army fortified with the latest advanced means of protection. He added that despite this, a group. of Palestinian resistance fighters in Operation Al-aqsa Flood managed to penetrate all of that and inflict huge. losses on the Israeli army.

Former Pakistani Defense Minister Naeem Khalid Lodhi said that what the Palestinian resistance did on October 7th is considered a military miracle by all standards.

Former Pakistani Defense Minister and retired General Naeem Khalid Lodhi (Al Jazeera)


- Former Pakistani Defense Minister and retired General Naeem Khalid Lodhi said that what the Palestinian resistance did on October 7th (the Battle of Al-Aqsa Flood) is considered a military miracle by all standards.

Lodhi confirmed in an interview with Al Jazeera Net that a group of fighters numbering in the hundreds from the Gaza Strip attacked the military barracks of a large, advanced army fortified with the latest advanced means of protection and surrounded by electronic fences and barbed wire in addition to high walls, which can only be described as out of the ordinary.

Lodhi added that any soldier who follows the Israeli situation will find that the Israeli army is in a constant state of alert and is carrying out many maneuvers and continuous training, in addition to arming itself with all the advanced weapons, security, surveillance and warning tools at the highest levels.

He added that despite this, a group of Palestinian resistance fighters in Operation Al-Aqsa Flood managed to penetrate all of that and inflict huge losses on the Israeli army. It killed hundreds of them and seized their military barracks for several hours. It was also able to obtain the computers that were there and seized highly important intelligence information.

Lodhi, during his meeting with the Al Jazeera Net delegate, expressed his great admiration for the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation (Al Jazeera)

Lodhi continues by saying that the occupation army was subjected to a great surprise, after which it remained for several hours without knowing what was happening and how it should act, as the resistance fighters were able to penetrate the security system and disable the surveillance cameras, which allowed the Palestinians to complete their mission of attacking the enemy, achieving goals, and withdrawing with minimal losses. .

He praised the members of the Palestinian resistance, whom he described as honest men and brave soldiers, stressing that what was accomplished would not have been achieved without continuous military training at the highest levels, in addition to their deep belief in their cause and their high martyrdom.

The general considered that the Palestinian resistance through Operation “Al-Aqsa Flood” in October shattered the image that the Israeli army was keen to show, that it was the strongest in the region and no one could change this image, and all previous experiences had shown it as victorious over the Arab armies. The Palestinian resistance came and broke this image, indicating his conviction that the Israeli deaths as a result of this attack were much more than what was announced.

He added that more Israelis were killed in the attack on Gaza than was announced, considering that there is control over the Israeli media so that only what the occupation forces allow is mentioned.

Regarding the large losses of life suffered by the Palestinians after the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, the Pakistani general considered that any liberation war anywhere in the world is usually followed by a large bill of lives and material costs, stressing that the Palestinian resistance was victorious in the Al-Aqsa Flood from the beginning, which is something that the Israelis are aware of. Their reaction was insane, as they continued to kill innocent people and destroy homes, hospitals, and schools.

Lodhi called on the Arab and Islamic countries to provide financial and military support to the Palestinians so that they can defeat the Israeli occupation forever, pointing out that while Israel receives military and material support from the largest countries in the world, we find the Palestinians facing all this aggression alone without even being provided with health or financial support. Food for their children.

The Al-Aqsa flood was long overdue

For his part, the director of the Islamabad Center for Political Studies, Abdul Karim Shah, praised the resistance work in Gaza, and said that no one can blame them for what they did on October 7, as they have been under occupation for more than 75 years, and more than 17 years old and they are under siege that prevents them from moving freely and leaving and entering the Gaza Strip.

In an interview with Al Jazeera Net, Abdul Karim Shah added, "Man cannot bear all these years. Despite this, the Palestinians were patient and were even exposed to Israeli aggression from time to time. When they lost hope of getting rid of the occupation and lifting the siege through peaceful means, they were forced to attack their enemy in order to live a normal life."

In light of the great loss of life and buildings that Gaza suffered after the Al-Aqsa flood, Shah stressed that all of this is permitted for the sake of freedom and getting rid of the occupation.

Regarding the position of the Pakistanis towards what is happening in Gaza, Shah stated that almost all Pakistanis, including their intellectuals and activists, are in pain about what is happening in Palestine. He said that any activity or conversation that takes place among intellectuals, Gaza is always present, pointing to many activities, protests and demonstrations that Pakistan has witnessed, in addition to campaigns. Boycott the goods of companies that support the occupation.

He pointed out that he and many Pakistanis feel astonished by what is happening in Gaza in terms of the horror of the atrocities and the collapse of the values ​​of morals and human rights that developed countries call for, and the laws of war have also vanished, all of this under American and British sponsorship and support from the rest of the Western countries.

A judge confirmed that Palestine has a special place among Pakistanis (Al Jazeera)

Palestine has a high status

Director of Foreign Affairs of the Pakistani Jamaat-e-Islami, Asif Luqman Qazi, stressed the great importance of the Palestinian issue among Pakistanis in general and the Jamaat-e-Islami in particular.

He explained in an interview with Al Jazeera Net that what is happening against the “brothers in Gaza” is a war crime by all standards, and that the West is partners in this crime.

Qazi denounced the global silence towards Gaza, pointing out that it is necessary to prevent this aggression in all its forms and save women, children and innocent people.

He pointed out that there are many popular and social activities in Pakistan in support of the people of Gaza, stressing that the Islamic Group is an integral part of this, in addition to collecting donations for the benefit of those affected.

The Palestinian flag atop a building in the Blue Area area in Islamabad (Al Jazeera)

During Al Jazeera Net's tour of the streets of the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, there were many indicators of support for Gaza, as the Palestinian flag was flying above the buildings, and posters supporting Gaza were spread in the alleys, in addition to boycott campaigns for goods affiliated with companies that support the occupation.

While we were sitting in a restaurant, a customer objected to the provision of water belonging to a company that supports Israel. He demanded that the water be changed and urged the restaurant not to deal with this company or else boycott the restaurant. He advised his friends to do so, and the restaurant management promised to abide by it.

Salim Shahzad burst into tears when we asked him about his position on what is happening in Gaza (Al Jazeera)

Feelings of Pakistanis

When we asked the fifty-year-old Salim Shahzad about his feelings towards Gaza, the man could not control himself and began to burst into tears, pointing out that the Gazans are subjected to great injustice from the Israelis, and that the Arabs and Muslims are very negligent against them.

He said if the doors to Gaza were opened, "you would find me and millions of Pakistanis coming to help the Palestinians get rid of the occupation."

Posters in Islamabad in solidarity with Gaza and Palestine (Al Jazeera)

Likewise, Osama Al-Mansouri, who is in his thirties, confirmed that you can hardly find anyone in Pakistan who does not sympathize with Gaza and would like to be able to provide them with assistance, indicating that Pakistanis may disagree about everything except the issue of Palestine and Kashmir.

Most of those with whom Al Jazeera Net spoke expressed their sympathy and support for the Palestinian cause and their denunciation of the bombing, destruction and slaughter of civilians carried out by Israel.

It is noteworthy that the Hamas movement had more than once praised the position and efforts of the Pakistani government and people in supporting the Palestinian people.

A massive festival about two months ago in Sindh province in support of Gaza (Al Jazeera)

Since the beginning of the war on Gaza on October 7, Pakistan has witnessed many demonstrations and political and popular events, in solidarity with the Palestinian people and denouncing the Israeli war on Gaza.

Source: Al Jazeera