Teller Report

Export of Nigerien diesel to three neighboring countries: “Commercial priorities take precedence over sanctions”

2/22/2024, 7:32:49 AM

Highlights: Export of Nigerien diesel to three neighboring countries: “Commercial priorities take precedence over sanctions”. Niger is under sanction from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) following the coup d'état of July 26, 2023. A memorandum of understanding was concluded on February 17, 2024 in Niamey for the export of Nigerian diesel to Burkina Faso, Mali and Chad. According to Jean-Pierre Favennec, Niger should generate several tens of millions of dollars from these exports.

A memorandum of understanding was concluded on February 17, 2024 in Niamey for the export of Nigerien diesel to three neighboring countries: Burkina Faso, Mali and Chad. Niger is under Community sanction…

Export of Nigerien diesel to three neighboring countries: “Commercial priorities take precedence over sanctions”

A memorandum of understanding was concluded on February 17, 2024 in Niamey for the export of Nigerien diesel to three neighboring countries: Burkina Faso, Mali and Chad.

Niger is under sanction from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) following the coup d'état of July 26, 2023. Jean-Pierre Favennec, consultant specializing in oil issues, emphasizes that a “ 

supply from the Zinder refinery […] is a good thing for these countries, because it avoids very significant transport costs 


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[Illustrative image] The building of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Boulevard de la République, in Niamey, Niger.

Getty Images - mtcurado

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's diesel

will supply its neighbors: Burkina Faso, Mali and Chad will soon benefit from the fuel produced in the Zinder refinery, in southern Niger.

A memorandum of understanding was concluded to this effect on February 17 in Niamey, following a meeting of Energy Ministers of the countries concerned.

For Jean-Pierre Favennec, consultant specializing in oil issues, this is a sign that energy needs take precedence over regional sanctions against Niger.


generates some surpluses which can be exported to neighboring countries



Niger has a small refinery of one million tonnes per year which covers the needs of Niger itself and which generates some surpluses which can be exported to neighboring countries

,” he explains to

Benoît Almeras.


This whole Sahelian area, obviously, is difficult to supply from the coast, so a supply from the Zinder refinery – which itself is supplied by crude oil which comes from the Agadem deposits, which are a small a little north of Niger – is a good thing for these countries, it avoids very very significant transport costs


He concludes: “ 

In my opinion, the agreement which has just been reached simply shows that commercial concerns, energy security concerns, take precedence over the sanctions which have been issued and undoubtedly, moreover, a continuity of cooperation, at least at a minimum level, between different countries in order to cope with a security situation which remains difficult.


According to Jean-Pierre Favennec, Niger should generate several tens of millions of dollars from these exports.


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