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Daughter recalls Zang Ke’s family: Half a year of Huangpu influenced him for life, and he continued to struggle with his pen as his gun.

2/22/2024, 4:01:18 AM

Highlights: Daughter recalls Zang Ke’s family: Half a year of Huangpu influenced him for life, and he continued to struggle with his pen as his gun. Zheng Suyi, the daughter of the poet ZangKe's family, is reading poems written by her father about his life in Whampoa Military Academy. In 1927, after Chiang Kai-shek launched the "April 12" counterrevolution, Zangke's family joined the anti-Chiang struggle. Later, he became a student of the famous poet Weniduo.

  China News Service, Beijing, February 22: Title: Daughter recalls Zang Ke’s family: Half a year’s impact on Huangpu’s life-long struggle with pen as gun

  China News Service reporter Wang Shibo

  "The sun at noon in summer is like a burning fire. It shines on us when we go to the wild to practice warfare. We tilt our heads and look at the ruler with squinting eyes. A thousand gun muzzles are aimed in one direction..." Zheng Suyi, the daughter of the poet Zang Ke's family, is reading aloud. is a poem written by her father about his life in Whampoa Military Academy.

Zang Kejia is a famous Chinese poet. From a "peasant poet" to a "poetry leader", many of his poems have been widely praised and deeply loved by readers.

But what is little known is that before becoming famous as a "poet", Zang Kejia once studied at the historically famous Whampoa Military Academy and spent a period of time holding a "gun barrel" in his hands.

Zheng Suyi, the daughter of the Zang Ke family, is reading poems written by the Zang Ke family.

Photo by Wang Shibo

  Recently, Zheng Suyi, the daughter of the poet Zang Kejia, was interviewed in Beijing and told reporters such a period of history.

In the autumn of 1926, Zang Kejia, like many young people at that time, was influenced by the New Culture Movement. In order to seek light, he came to Wuhan, the center of the great revolution at that time, and applied for the Wuhan branch of Whampoa Military Academy.

Zheng Suyi said that people like his father have the ideal of serving the country and are passionate young people who are not afraid of life and death and do not seek promotion or wealth.

Worried about being blocked, my father told his family only after he left Jinan. He wrote a letter to his grandfather, saying, "By the time this letter arrived, my grandson would be a stranger thousands of miles away."

  Zang Kejia, who was good at liberal arts, failed to pass the Whampoa Military Academy exam for the first time.

But he was not discouraged. After studying hard for a while, he registered again and was successfully admitted to the Wuhan branch of Whampoa Military Academy.

In his memoirs, he once described that the life in the military academy was serious and tense, and he had to practice hundreds of times to stand at attention after taking a break.

What impressed him most was an actual combat experience in the military academy.

"In May 1927, Xia Douyin rebelled against the revolution. The Wuhan branch was reorganized into the Central Independent Division to attack the rebel Xia Douyin. My father was particularly impressed by this incident." Zheng Suyi said.

Zheng Suyi, the daughter of the Zang Ke family, accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from China News Service.

Photo by Wang Shibo

  Zang Ke's family was the deputy squad leader at the time. Not long after the battle began, a comrade beside him, who was also Zang Ke's classmate in the military academy, died in the battle.

"Such a good classmate died just after he entered the battlefield. At that time, my father became angry and rushed forward with all his strength." At that time, the company commander of Zang Ke's family, who was also a Communist Party member and senior student from Huangpu, shouted on the battlefield : "Comrades, charge! Who is the real revolution and who is the fake revolution? Now is the time to test us!" Zheng Suyi said that his father said that he remembered these words of the company commander very clearly throughout his life and encouraged him to always move forward. rush.

  In 1927, after Chiang Kai-shek launched the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup, Zang Ke's family firmly joined the anti-Chiang struggle. Later, they were hunted down by the Kuomintang and fled.

In 1930, he entered National Qingdao University and became a student of the famous poet Wen Yiduo, thus officially starting his literary career.

  Zang Ke often told his family that although his experience at Whampoa Military Academy lasted only half a year, it had an impact on his life.

"Before he entered the military academy, my father was just a young man pursuing a bright future. He had no clear goal of his own. After arriving at the Wuhan branch, he received education from many Communist Party members and gained a clear understanding of the revolution." Zheng Suyi said.

Zheng Suyi, the daughter of the Zang Ke family, is looking through the Zang Ke family's collection of works.

Photo by Wang Shibo

  Zang Kejia once said, "The military academy trained me, educated me, gave me a golden needle to guide my thoughts, enabled me to correctly understand the great significance of life and revolution, and laid the path for me to move forward, which will remain unswerving throughout my life. "Although my father later did not fight with a gun in the army, he always used his pen as a gun to fight for the liberation of the people and the reunification of the motherland. My father wrote many poems and essays to promote propaganda during the Anti-Japanese War. During the War of Resistance, many young people were mobilized. He really went to the forefront to interview soldiers. At that time, he was only 200 meters away from the enemy. He said that his life was leaked from the shells," Zheng Suyi said.

  Zheng Suyi recalled that Zang Ke's family maintained military habits until their later years.

Even at an advanced age, he still kept writing and had amazing willpower in the face of illness.

As a family member, Zheng Suyi is deeply affected.

"I am writing a book about my father. I have also written the part about the Wuhan branch and checked a lot of information. The spirit of Huangpu's patriotic revolution is really vividly reflected in my father, so I am also working hard to pay tribute to him. He studied." Zheng Suyi said that throughout Zang Ke's life, he was writing as long as he could pick up a pen.

He has been fighting all his life for the demands of the people.

Zheng Suyi said, "We must polish the golden sign of Huangpu for a century and make it more prosperous." (End)