Teller Report

Binge watching: If you watch a lot of television, you have to pee more often at night

2/22/2024, 1:52:57 PM

Highlights: Long nights of watching TV are apparently linked to increased visits to the toilet at night. Adults who watch an average of five hours or more of television per day are more likely to suffer from nocturia. This is reported by a study by a Chinese research team that was published in the journal ‘Neurourology and Urodynamics’ The study only shows one connection with the US survey data. However, it has not been proven that binge-watching actually causes noctria.

Health risk series: According to researchers, long nights of watching TV are apparently linked to increased visits to the toilet at night. But blaming the telly alone is probably not enough.

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Young woman in front of the television (symbolic image)

Photo: AleksandarNakic / Getty Images

When a new season of their favorite series comes out, quite a few series fans spend the whole weekend in front of the screen - but apparently this so-called binge watching is not without risks and side effects.

The result, according to a study: You have to go out more often at night.

Adults who watch an average of five hours or more of television per day are more likely to suffer from what is known as nocturia, which means having to pee multiple times during the night.

This is reported by a study by a Chinese research team that was published in the journal “Neurourology and Urodynamics”.

To do this, the team analyzed data from a US survey from 2011 to 2016. A comparison between those surveyed who watched television or videos for less than an hour a day and those who watched more than five hours showed that the latter did a 48 percent increased risk of nyctria.

Factors such as age, gender, body mass index and ethnicity were taken into account.

The cause remains unclear

Nevertheless, blaming binge-watching alone for the weak bladder at night is probably not enough.

Because the study only shows one connection with the survey data.

However, it has not been proven that binge-watching actually causes nocturia.

It is also conceivable that someone who is already in poor health will watch more television.

The authors admit that this study cannot prove a cause-effect relationship.

But they offer possible explanations for the connection.

Firstly, watching television for too long is also associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, and it also potentially involves drinking a lot.

"The combination of diabetes and increased fluid intake contributes to global polyuria, which is related to nocturia," write the authors - or to put it more simply: those who produce a lot of urine have to pee more often.

Secondly, intensive television viewers would also sleep worse, which is also related to nocturia.

And thirdly, intensive television watching is also linked to a higher risk of obesity, which is also a factor for nocturia.

"More public awareness of this potential health risk," the authors write, "will encourage individuals to use their television and/or video time more consciously."
