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Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei transportation integration continues to expand and a comprehensive transportation network has basically taken shape

2/22/2024, 1:31:16 AM

Highlights: Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei transportation integration continues to expand and a comprehensive transportation network has basically taken shape. In the past ten years, Hebei has opened up its "major arteries" and smoothed its "microcirculation" The construction of the external backbone highway network of Xiongan New Area has been accelerated, with 8 projects covering 573 kilometers completed and open to traffic. In 2023, the entire Beijing-Xiongan Expressway will be opened to traffic, making the one-hour expressway connection between Beijing and Xionghai a reality.

In the past ten years, Hebei has opened up its "major arteries" and smoothed its "microcirculation"

Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei transportation integration continues to expand

A multi-node, grid-like, full-coverage comprehensive transportation network has basically taken shape

  Shijiazhuang, February 21 (Reporters Shi Ziqiang and Ma Chen) The reporter learned from the recently held press conference on Hebei Province's in-depth promotion of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei transportation integration: In the 10 years since the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development strategy was implemented, Hebei Province has focused on By solving difficulties, removing congestion points, and removing pain points, opening up the "major arteries" and smoothing the "microcirculations", the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei transportation integration continues to expand in depth.

At present, a multi-node, grid-like, full-coverage comprehensive transportation network has basically been formed. The core areas of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei are accessible in half an hour, and the major cities in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei have accelerated the formation of 1-1.5 hour transportation circles, providing a solid foundation for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei. transportation foundation and guarantee.

  According to reports, the construction of the external backbone highway network of Xiongan New Area has been accelerated, with 8 projects covering 573 kilometers completed and open to traffic.

Among them, 454 kilometers of the Tianjin-Shijiazhuang Expressway, the Beijing-Xiong, Rongwu New Line, and the first phase of the Jingde Expressway have been completed. Together with the existing Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao, Daguang, and Tianjin-Xiong Expressways, they have formed a "four vertical and three horizontal" external expressway network. Anxin District has a direct expressway connection with Beijing and Tianjin; 119 kilometers of ordinary trunk roads such as the Yiyi Line and the Anda-Dalian Line have been built, and building materials channels have been fully opened.

In 2023, the entire Beijing-Xiongan Expressway will be opened to traffic, making the one-hour expressway connection between Beijing and Xionghai a reality.

The construction of the "four vertical and two horizontal" high-speed railway network has been accelerated, the Beijing-Xiongan intercity line has been opened, the Beijing-Xiongan Express Line has been steadily advanced, and the Xiongshang and Xiongxin high-speed railways have been fully started.

  The comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network will be smoother.

The formation of “Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei on Orbit” is accelerating.

Since 2014, six projects including Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-speed Railway, Beijing-Chengdu High-speed Railway, Beijing-Tangshan Intercity Railway, and Jinxing Intercity Railway have been put into operation, and the number of railways connecting Beijing and Tianjin has reached 23.

An interconnected highway network will be comprehensively constructed.

Since 2014, projects such as the Beijing-Kunming, Beijing-Taiwan, Mizhuo section of the Capital Area Ring Road, Jingli Expressway, and Beijing-Qinzhou Expressway have been completed and opened to traffic, opening up and widening 44 sections of 2,552 kilometers of trunk roads connecting Beijing and Tianjin.

Among them, there are 26 sections of expressways and 2,175 kilometers, and 18 sections and 377 kilometers of ordinary trunk roads.

  The collaborative management of transportation has become more complete.

The transportation departments of the three places have established and improved a cross-regional, multi-level collaborative development working mechanism, held regular joint meetings and various special meetings, signed 24 connection agreements, formulated 11 regional collaborative standards, and 98 cross-filed normative documents among the three places; Continue to implement "one project, one dedicated team" for engineering construction, coordinate and jointly manage the jointly managed river sections of the Grand Canal, formulate an emergency contact person system for dangerous goods road transportation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and establish multiple cooperations in government services, engineering construction, collaborative management, and transportation services. Mechanism; the three places signed the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Cooperation Measures for Transportation, and jointly issued 7 measures and regulations such as joint meeting mechanism, law enforcement information sharing, off-site case handling, and joint law enforcement linkage.

(People's Daily)