Teller Report

At least one dead and five injured after a shooting attack on a road near Jerusalem

2/22/2024, 8:31:47 AM

Highlights: At least one dead and five injured after a shooting attack on a road near Jerusalem. So far this year alone, 72 Palestinians have died in the area in violent events, as well as seven people on the Israeli side. Israel and the occupied West Bank are experiencing the worst spiral of violence since the Second Intifada (2000-2005), a phenomenon that has worsened since the war broke out on October 7 between Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, and Israel. The British Parliament approves an amendment calling for an "immediate humanitarian ceasefire" in Gaza.

One person was killed and five others were wounded this Thursday in a shooting attack carried out by three Palestinians on a road connecting an Israeli settlement in...

Efe Jerusalem


Updated Thursday, February 22, 2024-09:22

  • United Kingdom The British Parliament approves an amendment calling for an "immediate humanitarian ceasefire" in Gaza

One person was killed and five others were wounded this Thursday in a shooting attack carried out by three Palestinians on a road that connects an Israeli settlement in the


West Bank with


, official sources reported, amid a wave of violence in the area.

"A report was received about a terrorist attack involving gunfire on Highway 1" near

Maale Adumim

, an Israeli settlement located in the West Bank about 10 kilometers from Jerusalem, a police statement said.

Three Palestinian residents of the West Bank city of


arrived in vehicles on Highway 1 towards Jerusalem, and "began firing M-16 automatic weapons at civilians who were in their vehicles, in the middle of a traffic jam near the Azaim checkpoint "he added.

"Two terrorists were neutralized by civilians and security forces at the scene, while another was neutralized by agents after he tried to escape," the police statement said.

When consulted by EFE, the Police have not been able to specify whether the attackers are dead.

Meanwhile, the

United Hatzalah

emergency service indicated that one of the victims of the attack "died", while the

Magen David Adom

paramedic service reported five gunshot wounds: a 23-year-old man in serious condition, two 23-year-old women and 30 years old and two 40-year-old men in moderate to mild condition.

Last Friday, two people were killed and four others wounded in a shooting attack while they were at a bus station in southern Israel, while the attacker was killed by a civilian at the scene.

Israel and the occupied West Bank are experiencing the worst spiral of violence since the

Second Intifada

(2000-2005), a phenomenon that has worsened since the war broke out on October 7 between the Islamist group Hamas, which controls the

Gaza Strip

, and Israel.

So far this year alone, 72 Palestinians have died in the area in violent events, as well as seven people on the Israeli side.