Teller Report

Ambassador: Russia and Ecuador are studying the possibility of repairing Russian military equipment

2/22/2024, 8:01:37 AM

Highlights: Russia and Ecuador are considering the possibility of repairing Russian military equipment that Ecuador previously wanted to transfer to the United States. On January 10, Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa announced that his country would transfer Russian-made equipment to the U.S. in exchange for new equipment worth a total of $200 million. The Russian Embassy subsequently stated that such a decision would be an unfriendly step on the part of Ecuador. The ambassador added that the Russian side has already been in contact with the Ecuadorian Ministry of Defense on this issue.

Russia and Ecuador are considering the possibility of repairing Russian military equipment that Ecuador previously wanted to transfer to the United States, said Russian Ambassador to Quito Vladimir Sprinchan.

He spoke about this in an interview with Primicias.

“Russia offers the opportunity, in accordance with contracts and supplier obligations, to repair or commission military products of our production,” he said.

Sprinchan noted that Ecuador can use this technology to combat terrorism and organized crime in the country.

The ambassador added that the Russian side has already been in contact with the Ecuadorian Ministry of Defense on this issue.

On January 10, Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa announced that his country would transfer Russian-made equipment to the United States in exchange for new equipment worth a total of $200 million.

The Russian Embassy subsequently stated that such a decision would be an unfriendly step on the part of Ecuador.

On February 17, Sprinchan reported that the Ecuadorian authorities were canceling their decision to supply Russian equipment to the United States.