Teller Report

A group of lawyers holds a press conference before the former Unification Church hearing, calling for a speedy hearing.

2/22/2024, 4:51:24 AM

Highlights: The Tokyo District Court will hold an "inquiry" procedure on the 22nd to hear opinions from both the government and the church, and former members complaining of damage. A group of lawyers who have been supporting the victims held a press conference and called on the court to move forward with the trial quickly. The statement said that most of the victims were elderly people whose assets had been exploited for many years, and people who had almost all their assets taken away and were now struggling to make ends meet.

[NHK] In order to decide whether to issue a dissolution order to the former Unification Church, the Tokyo District Court will hear opinions from both the government and the church on the 22nd...

In order to decide whether to issue a dissolution order to the former Unification Church, the Tokyo District Court will hold an "inquiry" procedure on the 22nd to hear opinions from both the government and the church, and former members complaining of damage. A group of lawyers who have been supporting the victims held a press conference and called on the court to move forward with the trial quickly.

On the 22nd, the Tokyo District Court will hold a procedure called an ``inquiry'' to hear opinions from both the government and the religious group regarding the order that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology requested last October to disband the religious group.

Ahead of this, the ``National Liaison Group of Lawyers Against Spiritual Business Laws,'' which has been supporting former believers who have complained of damage, held a press conference and issued a statement.

The statement said that most of the victims were elderly people whose assets had been exploited for many years, and people who had almost all their assets taken away and were now struggling to make ends meet. There is an extremely great need to do so.

Furthermore, after a dissolution order has been finalized, it is essential to preserve the church's assets in order to provide relief to the victims, and an early dissolution order is necessary to prevent the dispersion of the church's assets.

Lawyer Yasuo Kawai said, ``Looking at the claims made by the cult so far, I think they will vigorously fight the government's claims at the hearing.There is a huge amount of evidence, but I hope the court will try to conduct the case quickly.'' I was there.

Attorney Katsuomi Abe also said, ``This is a case of such high interest to the public that the victims also want to know more.I would like to see even just a summary of the trial made public.''