Teller Report

15min: Lithuania will prohibit Russians from disembarking from trains at Kyana and Kybartai stations

2/22/2024, 12:01:54 AM

Highlights: Lithuania will prohibit Russians from disembarking from trains at Kyana and Kybartai stations. Previously Russians who had a residence permit or citizenship of EU countries could get off at these stations and continue their trip. In January it was reported that a defense line would be created on the border of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia with Russia. The Baltic republics have already agreed on construction work that will be carried out in the coming years. Russians were also detained in Latvia and Estonia on suspicion of working for the intelligence services.

The Lithuanian government has decided from March 1 to prohibit Russians traveling to the Kaliningrad region from getting off at Kyana and Kibartai stations, located on the territory of this country.

The Lithuanian news portal 15min writes about this.

“From now on, Russians traveling around the world through the Kyana railway station will probably have to look for another route,” the publication says.

It is noted that previously Russians who had a residence permit or citizenship of EU countries could get off at these stations and continue their trip.

In January it was reported that a defense line would be created on the border of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia with Russia; the Baltic republics have already agreed on construction work that will be carried out in the coming years.

Russians were also detained in Latvia and Estonia on suspicion of working for the intelligence services.