Teller Report

Urtasun creates a General Directorate of Cultural Rights to ensure freedom of expression and equality and puts Jazmín Beirak in charge

2/21/2024, 11:42:14 AM

Highlights: Urtasun creates a General Directorate of Cultural Rights to ensure freedom of expression and equality and puts Jazmín Beirak in charge. Since 2015, Beirak has been a regional representative in the Madrid Assembly for Más Madrid. Carmen Paez, new Undersecretary of Culture, has a degree in Law and Business Administration and Management from the Pontifical University of Comillas. Páez began her professional career in the public sector at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports.

Jazmín Beirak, researcher and regional representative of Más Madrid, will be the new general director of Cultural Rights at the proposal of Minister Ernest Urtasun, according to...

Europa Press Madrid


Updated Wednesday, February 21, 2024-12:18

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Jazmín Beirak

, researcher and regional representative of

Más Madrid

, will be the new general director of

Cultural Rights

at the proposal of Minister Ernest Urtasun, as reported by this department.


announced last January during his appearance before the

Culture Commission of Congress

the creation of this new General Directorate, which will address issues such as freedom of expression, equality or the interconnection of culture.

The appointment of

Jazmín Beirak

will soon be taken to the

Council of Ministers

for approval. Since 2015,


has been a regional representative in the

Madrid Assembly


Más Madrid

, where she serves as spokesperson for Culture.

In addition, she is a researcher in cultural policies and an expert in cultural rights and has a degree in

History and Theory of Art

from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), a diploma in

Advanced Studies in History and Theory of Art

(UAM) and a career civil servant.

As a cultural manager, she has worked at the

Museum of the National Library of Spain

with curatorial, teaching and management of public activities functions. She has also participated in various research projects such as

Art and Transition

(Brumaria, 2012) or

Horizontes del Arte en España

(YGBArt, 2013), both in collaboration with the

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

, and is the author of

Cultura Ingobernable

(Ariel , 2022), on culture and cultural policies.


details that this direction will assume among its functions the development of a

Cultural Rights Plan

; the coordination of the

Sectoral Culture Conference

in which the State and the autonomous communities are represented; the promotion of measures and aid for territorial structuring and programs such as

Culture and Citizenship


Culture and Ruralities

; the preparation of the

Equality Plan for Culture

that the minister announced in his appearance at the Culture Commission of the Congress of Deputies; the coordination of the work of the

Statute of the Artist and the Cultural Professional

; or the

Young Cultural Bonus

, among others.

On the other hand, the department led by


will also create a new

Coordinating Center for Cultural Industries

, which will be integrated into the Undersecretary of Culture and will be managed in coordination with the Secretary of State for Culture. For Culture, the objective of the restructuring is to give its own entity to the promotion of cultural and creative industries.

Through this new center, all policies to support industries that depend on the different general directorates will be coordinated and promoted. Within this framework, the

Law for the creation of the Spanish Office of Copyright and Related Rights

will soon be brought to the Council of Ministers .

Carmen Paez, new Undersecretary of Culture

Likewise, Culture announced this Wednesday the appointment of

Carmen Páez Soria

as Undersecretary of Culture, who since April 2023 has served as

General Director of Cultural Industries, Intellectual Property and Cooperation

. Páez has a degree in Law and Business Administration and Management from the Pontifical University of Comillas (ICADE) and a member of the Higher Body of Civil Administrators of the State since 2012.

Páez began her professional career in the public sector at the

Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports

, where she was deputy deputy director of Intellectual Property and advisory member in the field of intellectual property rights management entities. The appointment will soon be taken to the Council of Ministers for approval.