Teller Report

Tourists from Russia did not contact Tourist Assistance due to an alleged epidemic in Sri Lanka

2/21/2024, 1:21:31 PM

Highlights: Tourists from Russia did not contact Tourist Assistance due to an alleged epidemic in Sri Lanka. Earlier, information appeared in the media that Russian tourists were allegedly complaining about the dengue virus epidemic. “Detailed information about epidemiological situations is indicated on the official website of Rospotrebnadzor. We recommend that tourists take these messages into account before traveling,” concluded Turpomosch. In case of deterioration of health, experts advised to immediately consult a doctor.

The press service of the association “Association of Tour Operators in the Field of Outbound Tourism “Turpomosch”” commented on RT media reports that Russian tourists were allegedly complaining about the dengue virus epidemic in Sri Lanka.

“The Tourist Assistance Association has not received any requests on this topic from Russian tourists. We recommend that you take precautions in countries with tropical and subtropical climates—use special insect repellents and wear clothing that covers as much of your body as possible,” they noted.

In case of deterioration of health, experts advised to immediately consult a doctor.

“Detailed information about epidemiological situations is indicated on the official website of Rospotrebnadzor. We recommend that tourists take these messages into account before traveling,” concluded Turpomosch.

Earlier, information appeared in the media that Russian tourists were allegedly complaining about the dengue virus epidemic in Sri Lanka.