Teller Report

The State Duma proposed creating a new federal program “Family Home”

2/21/2024, 9:11:42 PM

Highlights: State Duma deputy Yana Lantratova proposed creating a federal program to provide large families with residential buildings for lifelong free use. A copy of the letter addressed to Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin is at RT’s disposal. The conditions for free use are proposed to be terminated only after the death of both parents with many children or extended if one of the descendants also created a large family and lives in the specified house. Previously, the Children's Ombudsman advocated increasing nursery groups in kindergartens.

State Duma deputy Yana Lantratova proposed creating a federal program to provide large families with residential buildings for lifelong free use. A copy of the letter addressed to Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin is at RT’s disposal.

In her address, the legislator noted the tense demographic situation and cited data from a study published in 2023 by the Russian State Social University. According to these data, 45% of Russian families named poor living conditions as the main reason for not having children in the near future.

In order to improve the living conditions of large families and stimulate the birth rate, Lantratova proposes to create a federal program “Family Home” for the construction of residential buildings, which are subsequently provided to large families for lifelong free use.

The conditions for free use are proposed to be terminated only after the death of both parents with many children or extended if one of the descendants also created a large family and lives in the specified house.

“Based on the above, I ask you, dear Mikhail Vladimirovich, to consider the possibility of implementing the federal program “Family Home” and present the position of the Russian government on this issue,” the text of the appeal says.

Previously, the Children's Ombudsman advocated increasing nursery groups in kindergartens.