Teller Report

The president of the CGPJ aligns himself with the PP and asks that the renewal be accompanied by changes in the election system

2/21/2024, 12:21:07 PM

Highlights: The president of the CGPJ aligns himself with the PP and asks that the renewal be accompanied by changes in the election system. "The current model has entered into crisis and that is why it is as important as renewing the Council that the future model, whatever it may be, does not inherit the same deficiencies," Vicente Guilarte said. The crux of the negotiation is whether only the members are renewed, as the PSOE wants, or if the election method is simultaneously changed so that the judges are the ones who elect the judges.

The president of the CGPJ, Vicente Guilarte, stated this Wednesday that the renewal of the governing body of the judges is not limited to changing the 20 members, but...

Manuel Marraco Madrid


Updated Wednesday, February 21, 2024-12:32

The president of the CGPJ,

Vicente Guilarte

, stated this Wednesday that the renewal of the governing body of the judges is not limited to changing the 20 members, but must include "some formula" so that the errors of the current system are not repeated. , which has led to its politicization.

The statement means aligning with the PP's thesis that the change of names and the change of the election system must be simultaneous, compared to the socialist proposal of focusing on the change of members.

"The current model has entered into crisis and that is why it is as important as renewing the Council that the future model, whatever it may be, does not inherit the same deficiencies.[...] Without me getting involved in how it should be done, We must know what has not worked and, consequently, that the renewal be accompanied by some formula to avoid the problems that we have currently detected," Guilarte indicated at an informative breakfast organized by Nueva Economía Fórum.

"It would be dangerous at this time of political polarization if 10 militants from one side or the other emerged from the negotiations, 10 activists, and for an exchange of stickers to begin and 100 vacancies to be appointed without any criteria other than political criteria. It would be very serious," he added in reference to the almost hundred judicial positions to be appointed due to the impossibility of a non-renewed CGPJ being able to make appointments.

Guilarte, who presides over the CGPJ as he is the oldest member, has stated that he trusts that the ongoing negotiation between PSOE and PP with the mediation of Brussels will finally result in a renewal.

"I don't think they are a dialogue of the deaf. I have asked both sides and my impression is that it will be achieved [...] I fully trust the current interlocutors. I trust the foreigners less," he said. The interlocutors are Minister Félix Bolaños on the socialist side and the deputy secretary of the PP Esteban González Pons, present at Guilarte's intervention. The foreigner who does not arouse enthusiasm is Justice Commissioner

Didier Reynders


The crux of the negotiation is whether only the members are renewed, as the PSOE wants, or if the election method is simultaneously changed so that the judges are the ones who elect the judges, as the PP demands. The


ones consider that if both things are not done simultaneously, the socialists will not accept any substantial change in the election system, since they support the current one in which the Cortes have the last word.

Guilarte has expressly denied that he sides with the PP - "I support both", he said -, but his position is closer to the changes requested by the

Popular Party


In his speech, the president of the Council has once again dropped that if the current negotiations do not work out he will leave the Council. He has not specified a date.