Teller Report

The number of inter-provincial ro-ro passenger flights in Qiongzhou Strait hits a record high in a single day

2/21/2024, 11:01:51 AM

Highlights: The number of inter-provincial ro-ro passenger flights in Qiongzhou Strait hits a record high in a single day. Hainan has become a popular destination for tourism and vacation, especially self-driving tours. Short-term passenger flow and intensive round-trip demand have surged, especially before the holiday on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. The phenomenon of long queues waiting to cross the island on the south coast of the Qionzhou Strait is being greatly alleviated.

  China News Service, Haikou, February 21 (Reporter Fu Yuqun) According to news from the Pearl River Navigation Administration of the Ministry of Transport (referred to as "Pearl Navigation Bureau") on the 21st, on the 25th day of the Spring Festival Transport in 2024 (February 19), the Qiongzhou Strait interprovincial A total of 359 flights were sent for ro-ro passenger transport in a single day, including 175 flights out of the island, both setting a record high.

The picture shows that on February 20, vehicles queued into the new harbor to wait for ferries to cross the sea. Photo by China News Service reporter Fu Yuqun

  Around the Spring Festival holiday in 2024, Hainan has become a popular destination for tourism and vacation, especially self-driving tours. The short-term passenger flow and intensive round-trip demand have surged, especially before the holiday on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, "high in the north and low in the south" and after the holiday, "high in the south". The trend of "low in the north" is obvious, and the impact of intermittent heavy fog and suspension of sailings was also superimposed during this period. The north bank and the south bank alternately experienced saturated conditions such as many passengers waiting for ferries and long queue times.

  On the basis of pre-booked travel, the Zhuhai Airlines has adopted a number of measures such as regular sales of additional tickets, north-south support as needed, and improvement of loading efficiency to allocate the capacity of 54 ro-ro passenger ships, 49,970 passenger seats, and 2,612 parking spaces. When in place, the advantages of main and auxiliary routes and dedicated routes will be given full play to serve the travel needs of the people.

  As of February 19, 25 days before the Spring Festival in 2024, the Qiongzhou Strait inter-provincial passenger and roll-off transportation has transported a total of 3.487 million passengers and 781,100 vehicles, an increase of 29.1% and 14.9% respectively compared with the same period in 2023. Currently, the phenomenon of long queues waiting to cross the island on the south coast of the Qiongzhou Strait is being greatly alleviated and eliminated in an orderly manner. (over)