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The list of national natural science popularization bases in 2023 has been announced

2/21/2024, 1:32:05 AM

Highlights: The list of national natural science popularization bases in 2023 has been announced. The list is based on universities such as the Shaw Museum of China University of Geosciences and the Museum of Chengdu University of Technology. The "National Science Literacy Action Plan (2021-2035)" proposes to support and guide universities, scientific research institutions, enterprises, scientific communities, etc. to use scientific and technological resources to carry outscience popularization work. The science popularisation base gives full play to the advantages of rich science and education resources in colleges and universities.

Relying on the innovative resources of universities to build a science popularization communication highland

The list of national natural science popularization bases in 2023 has been announced

  ◎Intern reporter Shen Wei

  Recently, the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Science and Technology jointly issued a notice announcing the list of national natural resource science popularization bases in 2023. Science popularization bases based on universities such as the Shaw Museum of China University of Geosciences, the Earth Science Innovation Center of Central South University, and the Museum of Chengdu University of Technology are included in the list.

  Universities are one of the important forces in carrying out science popularization work. The "National Science Literacy Action Plan (2021-2035)" proposes to support and guide universities, scientific research institutions, enterprises, scientific communities, etc. to use scientific and technological resources to carry out science popularization work and develop science popularization resources.

  What are the unique advantages of colleges and universities building science popularization bases? How to rely on the science popularization base to organically combine teaching, scientific research, and science popularization? Recently, reporters interviewed some of the heads of university science popularization bases on the short list regarding the above issues.

Have rich scientific, educational and human resources

  In the list released this time, the Shaw Museum of China University of Geosciences and the Museum of Chengdu University of Technology were both selected as science popularization bases in the science popularization venues.

  Most of the large collection resources in university museums are accumulated by teachers and students of relevant majors in universities during their field internships and scientific research work. Therefore, compared with other popular science venues, university museums have added a bit of academic heritage. "The world's first museum originated from a university. University museums are rooted in the deep cultural soil of universities and are one of the important symbols of the academic and cultural accumulation of universities." said Shuai Bin, Director of the Department of Library, Archives and Culture of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan).

  Chengdu University of Technology, founded in 1956, had several geological exhibition rooms at the beginning of its establishment, which were later merged into a larger university museum. In recent years, it has cooperated with the Chengdu Municipal People's Government to build a museum with a construction area of ​​more than 50,000 Square meters of Chengdu Natural History Museum. After more than 60 years of development, the Chengdu University of Technology Museum has accumulated a collection of more than 60,000 precious specimens such as "Hechuan Mamenchisaurus", "Dazhu Chongqing Fish" and "Longchang Iron Meteorite", and has a rich collection foundation. The China University of Geosciences Shaw Museum serves as a platform for the popularization of earth science, venue education, and earth science culture inheritance. At the beginning of its establishment, it was mainly responsible for providing specimen materials for teaching and scientific research by teachers and students, and meeting the needs of subject development and scientific research. Many of the more than 40,000 specimens currently collected in the collection were collected by teachers and students during professional field practice.

  In addition to specially constructed science popularization venues, there are many potential science popularization resources in colleges and universities that deserve development. Wang Lichang, director and person in charge of the National Natural Resources Science Popularization Base of Central South University, found that university laboratories still have some free time after completing a large number of teaching and research tasks. At the same time, many process models, result products and device prototypes formed after the completion of many major scientific research projects have not been fully utilized and lack exhibition opportunities. “The science popularization base gives full play to the advantages of rich science and education resources in colleges and universities, and makes use of these venues, equipment, facilities and models for teaching and scientific research, which can not only reduce idle science and education resources, but also ensure the scientificity and rigor of science popularization, which highlights the Science popularization work in colleges and universities has the characteristics of low investment, large output and strong effect, making science popularization an important basic work to achieve innovative development." Wang Lichang said.

  Colleges and universities have rich scientific and technological resources and human resources. "There are many experts, many talents, and high-quality scientific and technological resources. This is the advantage of universities building science popularization education bases." said Ouyang Hui, a professor at Chengdu University of Technology and executive deputy leader of the Chengdu Museum of Natural History Preparatory Group.

  In order for universities to give full play to their advantages in science popularization work, it is necessary to mobilize the initiative and enthusiasm of scientists, teachers, laboratory personnel, graduate students and other groups. Wang Lichang said: "Especially the laboratory staff. Most of them have Ph.D. degrees and have solid basic theoretical knowledge. After long-term teaching and scientific research experimental practice and daily laboratory management and operation and maintenance training, their professional skills and comprehensive qualities are very solid. Therefore, we Guide laboratory personnel to engage in science popularization work while completing their own work, so that their professional abilities and comprehensive levels can be fully demonstrated, and they can gain a sense of accomplishment and value in the process of science popularization and technological innovation and development."

Give full play to the role of educating people inside and outside the school

  The science popularization base in colleges and universities provides great assistance to the science popularization and teaching of college students. At present, many colleges and universities include visiting the school's science popularization base as the first class for new students. Wang Lichang told reporters that many freshmen do not know much about their chosen majors when they enroll, and the teaching content in the classroom is relatively professional, making it difficult to quickly stimulate their enthusiasm for the major. Now when freshmen enroll, they can intuitively see professional scenes and research results by visiting the science popularization base, understand the advantages of this major, and have a more macro and intuitive understanding of the subject. In the context of interdisciplinary integration, in addition to students from related majors, students from other majors can also be inspired during the visit and open up new ideas for their research.

  The role of science popularization bases in colleges and universities in promoting teaching and scientific research does not end there. "We have many college student volunteers. On the one hand, student volunteers come to the museum regularly to assist librarians in sorting specimens in the warehouse. In the process, they can find their own research materials and choose topics. On the other hand, volunteers also have to bear the responsibilities of The work of science popularizers can not only explain to the public but also strengthen their own understanding of knowledge." Ouyang Hui said that the museum provides teaching venues and scenes for teachers and students in related majors to come to the museum to carry out internship and practical courses.

  The cultivation of young people's scientific literacy, scientific spirit, and scientific and technological capabilities is of great significance to building an innovative country, and is also an important part of science popularization work in colleges and universities. In recent years, research activities have become very popular among primary and secondary schools, and research has become a new form for young people to receive popular science education. However, the quality of current research activity projects is uneven, and management still needs to be standardized.

  "We rely on the integration of resources in the science popularization bases of colleges and universities to build a high-quality platform for research and practice education for primary and secondary school students. Here, students can not only visit exhibitions, but also be influenced by research-based education in research and practice classes, cultivating scientific thinking and learning from an early age. Research methods and feel the scientific spirit." Ouyang Hui said that the museum will also organize research and education seminars with primary and secondary school principals to understand their science popularization needs. At the same time, it will continue to strengthen exchanges with primary and secondary schools, communities and other science popularization bases, making science popularization education a An important content of research and practice education.

  Ouyang Hui believes that science popularization bases in colleges and universities should be open to the public and contribute to the development pattern of large-scale science popularization. Colleges and universities have obvious advantages in strengthening science popularization creation. He gave an example: "For example, Dr. Yang Chunyan of our school, while engaged in research on dinosaur fossils in the school museum, created the popular science scenario fairy tale "Dinosaur Kindergarten" around the collection of specimens, and compiled part of the content into a popular science picture book for publication. She and other museums Together with the members, we created the 'Little Dragon Man' popular science sitcom. These popular science sitcoms were not only performed in museums, but also went into communities and primary and secondary school campuses, and were welcomed by a broad audience."

  In addition, the university science popularization base also makes full use of digital technology to enhance the radiation of science popularization online. The Shaw Museum of China University of Geosciences has actively developed a series of popular science products such as short videos and online courses, and used digital technology to build an online panoramic exhibition platform. It has also cooperated with the media to carry out live broadcast activities in the museum to create a "never closed" nature museum. The resource science popularization practice base has greatly expanded the museum’s science popularization coverage.

Multiple entities jointly promote the development of science popularization

  At present, science popularization bases in colleges and universities are actively exploring linkages with multiple entities to jointly promote the development of science popularization. The Chengdu University of Technology Museum plans to hold scientist lectures, young naturalist lectures and other activities on a regular basis. In the future, it will also jointly plan high-level science education themed academic forums with the Chengdu Municipal People's Government to attract domestic and foreign scholars to Chengdu for exchanges and discussions, and to boost universities and cities. Coordinated development.

  The National Natural Resources Science Popularization Base of Central South University continues to expand movable science popularization resources by moving science popularization lectures, lightweight exhibits, etc. into the campus.

  In 2023, the science popularization base "entered" the First Affiliated Primary School of Central South University, and successfully held the "International Fossil Day" and a large-scale paleontological science popularization event. Science popularization lectures, fossil exhibitions, group explorations, etc. were carried out on the primary school campus. Graduate students majoring in geological resources at Central South University served as volunteers for this science popularization activity. According to the cognitive characteristics of teenagers, they organized a variety of "fossil garden parties" to lead teenagers to explore interactive fossil excavation, fossil model painting, and fossil paint seal collection. Fun activities that teach and have fun stimulate their interest and enthusiasm in learning about paleontology.

  In addition, university science popularization bases also work closely with social science popularization venues and organizations to help improve the scientific quality of the public while strengthening their own professionalism. The China University of Geosciences Shaw Museum has strengthened its ties with industry museums, as well as industry organizations such as the Museum Society, the Museum Special Committee, and the Hongshan Area Science Popularization Exhibition and Education Alliance, and pooled resources to jointly promote geoscience education. In August 2023, the museum signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Ningxia Geological Museum, Qinghai Natural Resources Museum, and Shanxi Geological Museum to jointly promote the in-depth integrated development of natural resource museums in the central and western regions and explore the construction of "resource sharing, complementary advantages, and mutual cooperation." A new pattern of natural resource science popularization work that promotes and jointly improves. (Science and Technology Daily)