Teller Report

The Knesset adopts Netanyahu’s declaration rejecting the Palestinian state

2/21/2024, 4:42:39 PM

Highlights: The Knesset adopts Netanyahu’s declaration rejecting the Palestinian state. The declaration says that any permanent agreement with the Palestinians must be reached through direct negotiations between the two sides, and not through international dictates. Since the start of the war on Gaza last October, the United States has refrained from calling on Israel to cease fire, and continues to supply it with thousands of tons of weapons via an air bridge. The United Nations granted Palestine observer status in 2012, and among the 193 member states of the United Nations, 139 countries have so far recognized Palestine as an independent state.

The Israeli Knesset adopted, by a large majority, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s declaration rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state “unilaterally,” after increasing international calls to revive settlement efforts based on the two-state solution.

The Knesset adopted Netanyahu’s declaration by a majority of 99 votes out of 120 (Anatolia - Archive)

The Israeli Knesset adopted, by a large majority, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s declaration rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state “unilaterally,” after increasing international calls to revive settlement efforts based on the two-state solution.

In a statement, the Likud Party - led by Netanyahu - said that 99 out of 120 representatives in the Knesset voted in favor of the declaration approved by the government earlier.

The declaration says that any permanent agreement with the Palestinians must be reached through direct negotiations between the two sides, and not through international dictates, as described by the Israeli government.

The day before yesterday, Monday, Netanyahu said, “Everyone knows that I am the one who has obstructed for decades the establishment of a Palestinian state that would endanger our existence,” and indicated that his position was strengthened in the wake of the Al-Aqsa flood operation carried out by the Palestinian resistance on October 7. the past.

He added, "My position remains clear. In any situation, whether with or without a permanent settlement, Israel will maintain full security control over the entire area west of Jordan, and this of course includes the West Bank and Gaza Strip."

Since the start of the war on Gaza last October, the United States has refrained from calling on Israel to cease fire, and continues to supply it with thousands of tons of weapons via an air bridge, but at the same time it indicates, along with European countries, to consider recognizing an independent Palestinian state in order to Reviving the settlement path.

The United Nations granted Palestine observer status in 2012, and among the 193 member states of the United Nations, 139 countries have so far recognized Palestine as an independent state.

Source: Al Jazeera + agencies