Teller Report

The Junta and the Government seal peace again in Doñana and agree on changes to the decree law that sowed discord

2/21/2024, 6:22:17 PM

Highlights: The Junta and the Government seal peace again in Doñana and agree on changes to the decree law that sowed discord. Vice President Ribera suspends a meeting with mayors. The modification of the two articles of the administrative simplification decree law will be included with effect from February 17, 2024. This decree law has already been published in the Official Gazette of the Board (Boja) A "rectification" Meanwhile, the general secretary of the PSOE-A, Juan Espadas, assessed this Wednesday that the Board has rectified "in full rule" part of its decree law.

The Junta de Andalucía and the Government have once again sealed peace in Doñana this Wednesday, after agreeing on changes to the controversial administrative simplification decree law that...

Silvia Moreno Seville


Updated Wednesday, February 21, 2024-19:08

  • Doñana The agreement on Doñana between the Government and the Board is in danger: Vice President Ribera suspends a meeting with mayors

This Wednesday, the Junta de Andalucía and the Government once again sealed peace in Doñana, after agreeing on changes to the controversial administrative simplification decree law that this Monday sowed discord between both administrations and jeopardized the great agreement on the protected area that was established. signed last November.

The Andalusian Government, chaired by

Juanma Moreno

, has indicated that it has been "very easy" to reach an agreement with the central Executive after the

"cordial and brief"

meeting held this Tuesday at noon by the teams of both administrations to analyze two articles - 242 and 244- of the

administrative simplification decree law

. These articles could open the door to a possible conversion of other forestry lands into agricultural land. For this reason, both administrations have agreed on a new wording, which limits the cases in which this reconversion can be addressed.

The agreed text will exclude from this possibility surfaces that have been returned to agricultural uses by their owners prior to the entry into force of the text, and those that are in

public forests

, in forests classified as public utility or in any type of domain. public.

The peace between the Junta and the Government comes after this Monday, as EL MUNDO has been reporting, the third vice president and minister for the Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, ordered the

suspension of the meetings

on Doñana scheduled in Seville with mayors of the area, teams technicians and agricultural organizations.

Ribera suspended the meetings after the Andalusian PSOE denounced that, among the more than 500 pages of the administrative simplification decree law, there were a couple of articles that protected the declaration of

forest lands

in the Northern Crown of Doñana as arable, as the controversial law on irrigation in the surroundings of the natural park that was going to be approved by the Andalusian Parliament. This law

was discarded

after the agreement between the Board and the Government last November.

The Board denied that the decree law intended to declare forest lands in Corona Norte de Doñana as arable. He pointed out that its regulations seek to adapt Andalusian

forestry legislation

to the state legislation, something that "the Ministry has known for a long time and even the text has been discussed with them in various meetings," according to the Board, which highlighted that the Andalusian administration "

He does not act unilaterally or

with his back to anyone

in this case


The modification of the two articles of the administrative simplification decree law will be included with effect from

February 17

, 2024. This decree law has already been published in the Official Gazette of the Board (Boja).

A "rectification"

Meanwhile, the general secretary of the PSOE-A,

Juan Espadas

, assessed this Wednesday that the Board has rectified

"in full rule"

part of its administrative simplification decree law, after the public complaint made by the Andalusian socialists this Monday.

"We have managed to prevent, for the second time, the PP from opening the door to a new threat to this natural space. The Andalusian Government does not even bother to explain the full-fledged rectification that it has agreed with the Government of Spain regarding the decree of simplification that, with absolute arrogance, intends to approve this afternoon in Parliament," Espadas said.

What has been changed?

The Board and the Government have agreed to modify section one of article 242 of the administrative simplification decree law, which is worded as follows:

"One. A new section d) is added to article 1, with the following wording:

«d) Those surfaces on which plantations of short-shift forest species have been implemented in an intensive regime, in which there were agricultural uses authorized prior to the implementation of those forest species, and the owner of the same decides to revert the use. agricultural in this one. Short-life forest species are considered those whose life span is less than twenty years. Said surfaces will only be subject to the provisions of this law while these short-shift forest species are present implanted on them.

The provisions of this section will not apply to surfaces that, meeting the characteristics described in the first paragraph, meet any of the following criteria:

(i) Surfaces that have been returned to agricultural uses by their owners prior to its entry into force.

(ii) Surfaces that are located in public forests.

(iii) Surfaces that are located in forests classified as public utility.

(iv) Surfaces that are located in mountains located in any kind of public domain.