Teller Report

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Taiwan must give a clear explanation to the families of the victims and compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait

2/21/2024, 1:11:28 PM

Highlights: Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Taiwan must give a clear explanation to the families of the victims and compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Zhu Fenglian said that three feet of ice does not freeze in one day, and this fishing boat capsizing incident is by no means an isolated case. We strongly condemn Taiwan's brutal treatment of mainland fishermen, Taiwan's atrocious practice of "violent law enforcement" that disregards lives and deliberately conceals the truth, and expresses strong indignation at Taiwan's inhumane and indifferent words and deeds afterwards.

  China News Service, February 21 (Xinhua) Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said on the 21st that after Taiwan's rough treatment of a mainland fishing boat on February 14, which resulted in the death of two fishermen, the person in charge of the relevant Taiwan authorities said that the "enforcement" process of the coast patrol officers was not complete. There is nothing inappropriate and they are trying to cover up their violent behavior; some people on the island are talking nonsense and having an arrogant attitude. At the strong request of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and the families of the victims, relevant Taiwan authorities admitted that the collision of patrol vessels in the Taiwan Strait caused the capsizing of the mainland fishing boat and casualties. However, they still used various reasons to shirk responsibility and cover up the truth of the incident.

  Zhu Fenglian said that three feet of ice does not freeze in one day, and this fishing boat capsizing incident is by no means an isolated case. Since the Democratic Progressive Party came to power in May 2016, Taiwan has treated mainland fishermen roughly and randomly arrested mainland fishing boats and fishermen. Incidents have occurred frequently, which has seriously damaged the interests of mainland fishermen, caused great economic losses to mainland fishermen groups, and hurt the feelings of mainland compatriots. We strongly condemn Taiwan's brutal treatment of mainland fishermen, Taiwan's atrocious practice of "violent law enforcement" that disregards lives and deliberately conceals the truth, and expresses strong indignation at Taiwan's inhumane and indifferent words and deeds afterwards.

  Zhu Fenglian emphasized that human life is of paramount importance and it is only natural that the truth should be disclosed. We solemnly demand the relevant parties in Taiwan to announce the truth as soon as possible, severely punish those responsible, meet the reasonable demands of the families of the victims, solemnly apologize to the families of the victims, and give an explanation to the families of the victims and compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. We will resolutely safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of our compatriots and will never allow such an incident to happen again.