Teller Report

New version of inspection work regulations announced! Strengthen supervision of “top leaders”

2/21/2024, 2:01:18 PM

Highlights: New version of inspection work regulations announced! Strengthen supervision of “top leaders”. In order to solve the problem of officials ignoring old accounts, inspections of the leadership team and rectification should be carried out continuously. The main person in charge assumes the responsibility of the first person responsible for comprehensively and strictly governing the party. The "Regulations" have been mainly revised in four aspects: First, to further strengthen the understanding of clues that reflect the problems of leading cadres, and clarify that "the inspection team shall be responsible for reflecting the leadership"

  China News Service, Beijing, February 21st: Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the revised "Regulations on Inspection Work of the Communist Party of China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"). This is the second revision of the Regulations since they were reviewed and approved in 2015, further improving the inspection work mechanism and responsibility system.

  What are the changes in this revision of the Regulations? Release those signals?

Strengthen supervision of “top leaders”

  The Party Central Committee attaches great importance to the supervision of “top leaders”. What provisions does the "Regulations" provide for inspections to strengthen supervision of "top leaders"?

  The person in charge of the Office of the Central Inspection Leading Group responded to reporters’ questions regarding the revision and promulgation of the “Regulations”. This time the “Regulations” were revised, a special provision was made: “Inspection work should strengthen the supervision of the main persons in charge of the inspected party organizations, and focus on inspecting their Party loyalty, fulfilling the responsibilities of the first person responsible for comprehensively and strictly governing the party, performing duties and powers in accordance with regulations and laws, taking on responsibilities, being honest and self-disciplined, etc., conduct an in-depth understanding of the important issues reflected and form special materials."

  The person in charge said that inspection agencies at all levels must conscientiously implement the provisions of the "Regulations" and regard strengthening the supervision of "top leaders" as an important part of deepening political inspections, which should be reflected in all aspects of the entire inspection process, and urge "top leaders" to be strict with themselves and strictly Take responsibility and exercise strict control.

Strengthen understanding of clues that reflect problems of leading cadres

  In terms of inspection work procedures, methods and authority, the person in charge said that the "Regulations" have been mainly revised in four aspects: First, to further strengthen the understanding of clues that reflect the problems of leading cadres, and clarify that "the inspection team shall be responsible for reflecting the leadership team and leadership of the party organization under inspection" The important issues and clues to the problems of its members should be understood in depth”.

  The second is to further strengthen the implementation of reforms and inspections during inspections, emphasizing timely supervision of inspected party organizations to solve outstanding problems that are strongly reported by the masses, and promoting disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies to deal with clues that reflect concentrated party members and cadres suspected of violating disciplines and laws.

  The third is to further strengthen the issue of accurate reporting, and include the draft system for inspection report issues and the communication system between the inspection team and the main persons in charge of the inspected party organizations into the "Regulations".

  The fourth is to further standardize the content and methods of inspection handovers and notifications, and clearly stipulate that “for major issues such as universality, tendencies, and institutional mechanisms discovered during inspections, inspection recommendations or other appropriate methods may be adopted to report them to relevant functions. The department put forward opinions and suggestions on strengthening supervision, improving systems, and deepening reforms."

Solve the problem of "new officials ignore old accounts"

  This time the "Regulations" were revised, a separate chapter was included to provide for inspection rectification and application of results. The person in charge said that first, it is clear that the party organization carrying out inspection work should strengthen organizational leadership on inspection rectification and application of results.

  The second is to clarify the main responsibilities of the inspected party organizations for rectification. It is highlighted that rectification is an important starting point for fulfilling the responsibility of party management and promoting high-quality development. The main person in charge assumes the responsibility of the first person responsible, and other members of the leadership team assume "one position and two responsibilities." In order to solve the problem of "new officials ignoring old accounts", it is stipulated that "if there are changes in the main person in charge of the party organization and other members of the leadership team, inspections and rectification handovers should be carried out and rectification responsibilities should be continuously implemented."

  The third is to clarify the main tasks of centralized rectification of the inspected party organizations. Regarding the period for centralized inspection and rectification, based on the actual work and the opinions and suggestions during the survey, the 2 months stipulated in the original "Regulations" were adjusted to 6 months. The "Regulations" do not make rigid provisions on the time limit for centralized inspections and rectification. It is determined by the party organization carrying out the inspection work based on actual conditions to prevent "one size fits all" and the top and bottom are general.

Incorporate village party organizations into the inspection scope of county party committees

  Regarding inspection work, the person in charge said that this time the "Regulations" were revised and a new chapter was added to provide for inspection work. Among them, the targets of inspection by city and county party committees were clarified. In addition to targeting party organizations directly managed by city and county party committees, the "Regulations" also include village (community) party organizations within the inspection scope of county (city, district, banner) party committees for the first time. This is important for promoting comprehensive and strict party governance to extend to the grassroots level. , Improving grassroots governance has important political and practical significance.

  The "Regulations" clarify the content of inspection and supervision. It stipulates that "inspection work should adhere to the position of political supervision, focus on the implementation of the Party Central Committee's decisions and arrangements at the grassroots level, unhealthy tendencies and corruption issues around the masses, the building of grassroots party organizations and party members, inspection rectification and application of results, etc. to strengthen supervision and inspection." (over)