Teller Report

Ministry of Justice to discuss whether it is necessary to review applicable requirements for dangerous driving resulting in death or injury

2/21/2024, 10:22:32 AM

Highlights: Ministry of Justice to discuss whether it is necessary to review applicable requirements for dangerous driving resulting in death or injury. Ta. Ta: A meeting of the Ministry of Justice was held to consider the form of punishment for drivers who intentionally drive dangerously and cause accidents. There has also been criticism from within the party that the move is 'far from the common sense of the people' Ta: We will continue to discuss if a review is necessary, and hearings will be held from multiple victim family groups.

[NHK] A meeting of the Ministry of Justice was held to consider the form of punishment for drivers who intentionally drive dangerously and cause accidents, and there is a need to apply the offense of causing death or injury due to dangerous driving...

A meeting of the Ministry of Justice will be held to consider the penalties for drivers who intentionally drive dangerously and cause accidents, and will discuss whether it is necessary to review the requirements for applying the crime of causing death or injury due to dangerous driving. Ta.

The crime of causing death or injury due to dangerous driving was established to punish drivers who intentionally drive dangerously, such as drunk driving or reckless driving, and cause a fatal accident. There has also been criticism from within the party that the move is ``far from the common sense of the people.''

Based on this, the Ministry of Justice established a review committee that included lawyers, university professors, and families of traffic accident victims, and held its first meeting on the 21st.

Among the requirements for applying the crime of causing death or injury due to dangerous driving, such as whether to set uniform standards such as alcohol measurement values ​​and speed at the time of the accident, and whether to include driving while using a smartphone, etc. We will continue to discuss whether a review is necessary.

On the other hand, there were also opinions such as, ``If we set clear standards, we will not be able to punish people who deviate from the standards,'' and ``If we expand the requirements unnecessarily, it will not be commensurate with the magnitude of our responsibility, and careful consideration should be given.'' I did.

At the meeting, it was also confirmed that hearings would be held from multiple victim family groups.