Teller Report

Let grassroots cadres be less "embarrassed"! Intensive deployment of provincial officials

2/21/2024, 2:02:01 PM

Highlights: With the beginning of the new year, Hunan, Gansu, Fujian and other places have begun to deploy work to reduce the burden on grassroots cadres. Hunan Provincial Party Committee Secretary Shen Xiaoming presided over a special symposium to listen to opinions and suggestions from all parties. On February 18, the first day of work in the New Year, the GansU province-wide "Three Grasps and Three Promotions" action promotion meeting was held. The newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Punments of the Communist Party of China" came into effect on January 1.

  China News Service, Beijing, February 21 (Xinhua) With the beginning of the new year, Hunan, Gansu, Fujian and other places have begun to deploy work to reduce the burden on grassroots cadres, emphasizing that grassroots cadres should have less "embarrassment" and more resources, and continue to relax and reduce the burden on grassroots cadres.

  On February 19, Shen Xiaoming presided over a symposium on reducing and empowering grassroots organizations. Image source: Hunan Daily

Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee emphasized

Let grassroots cadres have less "embarrassment" and more resources

  On the morning of February 19, Hunan Provincial Party Committee Secretary Shen Xiaoming presided over a special symposium to listen to opinions and suggestions from all parties around the theme of reducing the burden on the grassroots and further promoting the solution of formalistic bureaucracy that plagues the grassroots, allowing the grassroots to have more time and energy to plan and do practical things.

  According to Hunan Daily, Shen Xiaoming emphasized at the meeting that efforts should be made to study and solve problems such as the generalization of accountability, and to increase care and concern for grassroots cadres. Let them do more "good things" and let them go to "good people". We should give grassroots cadres less "embarrassment" and more resources, so that they can have more appeal in mass work. Whether it is "burden reduction" or "empowerment", we must persist in seeking truth from facts, focus on working at the root causes, and better promote the solution of various problems.

  Shen Xiaoming also emphasized the need to lead and promote grassroots governance innovation with ideological emancipation to better promote the improvement of grassroots governance levels.

  On February 18, Gansu’s province-wide “Three Grasps and Three Promotions” action promotion meeting was held. Image source: Gansu Daily

  On February 18, the first day of work in the New Year, the Gansu province-wide "Three Grasps and Three Promotions" action promotion meeting was held.

  According to the "Gansu Daily" report, Gansu Provincial Party Committee Secretary Hu Changsheng emphasized that we must fully implement the central government's deployment requirements on rectifying formalism to reduce the burden on the grassroots, continue to consolidate and expand the results of thematic education, and persist in the "three grasps and three promotions" actions as a way to deepen self-revolution, It is an effective starting point to promote style change, improve work ability, and promote career development, and guide all levels and parties to enhance their sense of responsibility and boost their spirits.

  At the meeting, Hu Changsheng said that we will continue to loosen ties and reduce burdens on grassroots cadres, and guide everyone to strive for hard-working tiger generals, fierce generals who overcome obstacles, and good generals who do well.

  According to the Fujian Daily, on February 18, the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government held a symposium of private economic representatives in Fuzhou.

  Zhou Zuyi, Secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, emphasized at the meeting that formalism and bureaucracy should be avoided to effectively reduce the burden on the grassroots and enterprises, let policies find enterprises, make services more precise, avoid multiple services and repeated inspections, and let grassroots cadres devote more energy Invest in serving enterprises and promoting development.

  On February 18, the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government held a symposium of private economic representatives in Fuzhou. Image source: Fujian Daily

Continuous deployment from central to local levels

Refining articles and reducing meetings, and continuing to rectify formalism

  Since this year, reducing the burden on the grassroots has become a key focus from the central to local governments. The newly revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishments of the Communist Party of China" came into effect on January 1. The "Regulations" added to work disciplines such behaviors as arbitrary decision-making, mechanical execution, engaging in bureaucracy, adding layers of penalties, leaving excessive traces, and increasing the work burden at the grassroots level. disciplinary provisions.

  On January 29, a meeting of the special working mechanism to rectify formalism at the central level and reduce the burden on the grassroots was held in Beijing. The meeting emphasized the need to correct problems in the reduction of articles, supervision and inspection, and "formalism at the fingertips." Improve the effectiveness of learning and research, and further solve the problems of concentrated research and only survey but not research.

  It can be noted that in recent times, Guangxi, Jiangsu, Shanxi, Anhui and other places have deployed rectification formalism at the provincial level to reduce the burden on the grassroots.

  In early February, the central government notified three typical cases of rectification of formalism to reduce burdens on the grassroots. Guangxi was named and notified because of unscientific organization and implementation of some local farmland improvement (drought to water) projects and random stalls leaving hidden dangers. According to the "Guangxi Daily" report, Liu Ning, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, gave instructions on this, emphasizing that "the issue of formalism in our region was notified by the central government, which is a wake-up call and a profound warning to us." We should deeply learn from the lessons of the typical cases that were notified, and draw inferences from one example to other cases. , fight hard and make serious rectifications.

  In early February, Shanxi held multiple meetings, emphasizing efforts to solve ideological and style problems such as deviations in political performance and "yamen habits", solve problems in reducing meetings, inspections, and surveys, and correct "formalism at the fingertips." , solve problems in the creation of demonstration activities, clean up and standardize festival forums and exhibitions, solve formalism problems in grassroots governance, and solve the problem of seconding grassroots cadres.

  At the same time, Jiangsu held meetings one after another, emphasizing the continuous promotion of rectification of formalism to reduce the burden on the grassroots, resolutely punish corruption around the masses, and continuously enhance the combat effectiveness of the grassroots.

  In addition, Anhui held a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, which pointed out that the hard lever of concise and reduced meetings should be maintained, and the total amount and frequency of inspections at the grassroots level, especially at the town and village levels, should be strictly controlled. It is necessary to clean up and standardize various establishment demonstration activities, festival forums and exhibitions, effectively solve the problem of "indiscriminate listing" of grassroots organizations, and give grassroots cadres a more and more tangible sense of gain in reducing their burdens. (over)