Teller Report

In 2023, the number of permit transactions will exceed 1.96 million, and large-scale transportation will enter the fast lane of development.

2/21/2024, 2:31:16 AM

Highlights: In 2023, the number of permit transactions will exceed 1.96 million, and large-scale transportation will enter the fast lane of development. The goods carried by large-sized transportation involve finished products produced in 17 major categories and 128 sub-categories in the manufacturing category. These finished products are widely used in agriculture, mining, petrochemicals, coal, electricity and other industries. With special assistance, one-stop cargo collection, cranes, etc. can be used to transport large items.

  The number of licenses processed in 2023 will exceed 1.96 million, a year-on-year increase of 19.5% 

Large-cargo transportation enters the fast lane of development (Sankei Observation)  

  When transporting large items, what is "oversized" and how to transport it? Let’s look at two scenes first.

  In Chongyang County, Hubei Province, large-scale blade lifting trucks, escorted by front and rear convoys, transported wind turbine blades more than 100 meters long from the county's storage yard to the wind farm on the top of the mountain. Here, several blades will be assembled into a wind turbine, and clean energy will be generated with the wind.

  In Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, an ultra-long trailer is loaded with the world's largest liquid nitrogen storage tank and transported to the Jiangyin Terminal on the Yangtze River 35 kilometers away. From there, the circular tank, which is 50 meters long, 6 meters high and has a capacity of over 1,000 cubic meters, will be transported to the other side of the ocean.

  The Ministry of Transport clearly stated: Oversized transportation refers to over-sized transportation carrying items that cannot be disassembled, and meets at least one of the following conditions: the total height of the vehicle and cargo exceeds 4 meters from the ground, the total width of the vehicle and cargo exceeds 2.55 meters, and the total width of the vehicle and cargo exceeds 2.55 meters. The total length exceeds 18.1 meters, and the total weight of the vehicle and cargo exceeds 49 tons. According to reports, the goods carried by large-scale transportation involve finished products produced in 17 major categories and 128 sub-categories in the manufacturing category. These finished products are widely used in agriculture, mining, petrochemicals, coal, electricity and other industries. category.

  In recent years, with the steady advancement of my country's infrastructure construction and the accelerated application of large-scale machinery and equipment, the market demand for large-scale transportation has increased significantly, and this new logistics industry has gradually grown and expanded. What is the current development status of my country's large-bulk transportation industry? How to better serve the real economy in the future? The reporter conducted investigative interviews.

Rapid development of the industry

Strong market demand and rapid business growth

  In Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province, the port's new reloading terminal is busy with trucks rushing back and forth. Outside the workshop of Lippert Co., Ltd., a movement of heavy industrial equipment is taking place.

  Jacking, forward, steering, drifting, reversing... Under the remote control of the axis line worker, a deck piece about 35 meters long, 22 meters wide, nearly 2 meters high, and weighing more than 100 tons, steadily moved from spray to The workshop is transferred to the final assembly workshop.

  "The workshops are only a few hundred meters apart, but because the goods are large and heavy, we can only use special tools to realize the process flow." Pointing to the truck that looks like a hundred-meter-long queue, Yang, the head of the Joint Office of Sinotrans Large Zhangjiagang Port New Terminal Dong told reporters that its standard name is a self-propelled modular flatbed truck, which is assembled from 20 left and right axes and has 160 tires, which can effectively disperse the weight and deliver goods steadily.

  The deck piece you see in front of you is just a small module of the offshore refining and oil storage device. Walking into the assembly workshop, a huge thing suddenly comes into view. The entire module is like a tall building, with a total weight of more than 2,000 tons. "We have been in service since the beginning of production, and have transferred dozens of modules in different workshops for more than a year." Yang Dong said that the project was completed at the end of November last year, from leaving the workshop to rolling on to the dock and onto the ship. It took more than 3 hours to transport a distance of 1 kilometer.

  The special feature of large-scale transportation is "bigness". Walking around the Hong Kong New Heavy Loading Terminal, you will see all kinds of "big items" lined up in the yard, ranging from large heating furnaces and offshore wind power monopiles to petrochemical pressure vessels and industrial equipment modules. They will be transported on fixed cranes, container rail cranes, etc. With the assistance of special equipment, one-stop cargo collection and port transfer is completed here. Data show that the large-size logistics business of Hong Kong New Heavy Loading Terminal has grown rapidly in recent years. Last year, the number of large-size ships reached 136, a year-on-year increase of 45%, and the large-size throughput exceeded 140,000 tons, a year-on-year increase of 61%.

  The bustling scene of the new port reloading terminal is a vivid epitome of the rapid development of my country's large-bulk transportation industry.

  In recent years, thanks to the rapid development of the equipment manufacturing industry and the accelerated growth of investment in infrastructure such as electricity and transportation, my country's demand for large-scale logistics has increased significantly. According to statistics, in 2023, the number of large-scale transportation permits nationwide will exceed 1.96 million, an increase of 19.5% compared with 2022. Judging from the overall specifications of trucks and cargo, in 2023, the number of transactions for three types of large items (the total height of trucks and cargo exceeds 4.5 meters, or the total width exceeds 3.75 meters, or the total length exceeds 28 meters, or the total mass exceeds 100 tons) accounts for 13.7% of the total. Among the approved permits, the maximum length of vehicles and cargo allowed is 122 meters, the maximum width is 9.95 meters, the maximum height is 8.7 meters, and the maximum weight is 1,017 tons.

  “In recent years, modular construction has become more and more popular, and the jacking, weighing, loading, shipping, unloading and other processes of large structures used on modules, such as deck sheets and large tanks, all require the participation of large transport companies. Transportation, helping the development of the bulk transportation industry enter the fast lane." Analysis by Zheng Yanzhao, deputy director of the Expert Committee of the Bulk Logistics and Supply Chain Branch of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing (hereinafter referred to as "China Federation of Logistics").

Transformation is advancing steadily

Inter-provincial transport is smoother and innovation capabilities are stronger

  As an important part of modern logistics and supply chain fields, the goods involved in bulk transportation often have characteristics such as over-height, over-width, over-length, and over-weight.

  "Ensuring that large-scale equipment arrives on time not only tests the coordination and support capabilities of relevant departments, but also examines the innovative management level of large-scale logistics companies." Zheng Yanzhao said.

  On the one hand, cross-provincial transport collaboration requires efficient linkage among multiple departments.

  In April 2020, the transportation project of the Yazhong UHV converter station located in Yanyuan County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan, started. This project will transport several converter transformers with a single weight of 340 tons from the factory in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province. Transported to Yanyuan County through road, rail and water transport. In total, the entire transportation distance was 3,000 kilometers, making it one of the most complex and difficult large-scale electric power transportation projects in China at that time.

  On August 12, 2020, the first converter transformer from Jiangsu departed from Xichang Railway Station in Liangshan Prefecture, was loaded onto a hydraulic flatbed truck, and entered the last 139 kilometers of road transportation. "This section of the journey is located in a mountainous area and has to pass through 31 bridges, two tunnels and 213 curves. The transportation is extremely difficult." Li Xingju, deputy general manager of Sinotrans Large Logistics Co., Ltd. recalled that in order to ensure smooth transportation, local transportation , public security, electric power and other departments collaborated to formulate a safe and feasible transportation plan. While strengthening and reconstructing 31 bridges, drones were also used for aerial monitoring at risk points such as U-shaped bends to ultimately ensure the safe arrival of the transformers. .

  In response to the new requirements for unimpeded bulk transportation in recent years, the Ministry of Transport revised the "Regulations on Highway Management of Over-limit Transport Vehicles" in 2016, optimizing the bulk transportation licensing process, shortening the administrative licensing approval time, and providing a number of Convenient service measures and standardized reinforcement and renovation behaviors are in order to ensure smooth approval of over-limit transportation, so that "bends can be turned, bridges can be crossed, and roads can withstand."

  Data from the Ministry of Transport shows that since the national network of large-scale highway transportation permits was launched on September 30, 2017, as of the end of 2023, the cumulative number of large-scale transportation permits nationwide has reached 7.355 million, including 2.873 million inter-provincial permits, and 2.873 million intra-provincial permits. 4.482 million licenses were issued. The average processing times for inter-provincial permits for Category I, II and III large items are 1.4, 1.7 and 4.1 working days respectively, which are 72%, 83% and 79.5% shorter than the specified maximum time limit respectively; the average processing times for intra-provincial permits are respectively They are 1.1, 1.2 and 1.8 working days, respectively 45%, 76% and 88% shorter than the specified maximum time limit.

  On the other hand, the logistics industry is deeply integrated into the manufacturing industry, requiring stronger corporate innovation capabilities.

  “Not long ago, we signed a transportation contract with Fujian Mawei Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. to provide transportation services for the suction tube jackets manufactured by it.” Li Xingju said that through the innovative use of full-steering hydraulic axis trucks, roll-on and roll-on ships to replace the traditional hoisting method, embedded The transportation and assembly links between various processes not only save the shipyard the cost of purchasing or renting large-tonnage cranes, but also greatly improve the operating efficiency.

  "The large-scale transportation industry serves the construction of related engineering projects and the supporting equipment manufacturing industry." In Zheng Yanzhao's view, in the future, large-scale transportation must accelerate its transformation and upgrading, gradually integrate into the manufacturing supply chain, and use its professional advantages to compete with manufacturing companies. Jointly innovate supply chain management to improve project operation efficiency and safety and strive to achieve a win-win situation.

The market prospects are promising

Accelerate the establishment of standards and excellent services, continue to strengthen strength and increase efficiency

  In the interview, many industry insiders said that the future prospects of the large-scale transportation market are promising.

  Since the beginning of 2024, various regions have successively issued lists of major projects to solidly promote infrastructure construction. The transportation and energy fields are still the focus, laying a foundation for the development of large-scale transportation. Taking wind power as an example, according to estimates from the China Electricity Council, by 2025, the average annual newly installed capacity of wind power in the country will be no less than 60 million kilowatts. Calculated based on the 3-megawatt wind turbine, the main type of land wind power, it will need to add 2. Thousands of units. Based on the calculation that a 3-MW wind turbine requires eight large-size vehicles to transport, there will be a large-size logistics demand of 160,000 vehicles per year.

  At a new starting point and a new stage, to achieve high-quality development of the large-scale transportation industry, relevant policies and measures need to be further improved.

  ——Establish standards and provide excellent services to better meet the service needs of the real economy.

  "Oversized logistics connects the production and manufacturing of large equipment at one end, and the construction of various major engineering projects at the other end. It has become an important guarantee for the construction of my country's infrastructure and large industrial engineering projects." China Internet of Things Bulk Logistics and Supply Chain Branch Chairman Pan Zhiyong told reporters that in recent years, the transportation authorities have continued to improve policies, establish unified standards, optimize service mechanisms, and continuously improve the standardization and professionalization level of large-scale transportation licensing services and management, providing a guarantee for the construction of major national projects. support.

  Useful exploration has been carried out in some places in recent years. Henan Province has set up over-limit transportation declaration points in key large-scale manufacturing enterprises to provide door-to-door services for enterprises. Jiangxi Province implements the "AB" post system for licensing and approval positions, ensuring that large-scale transportation applications are accepted online 24 hours a day. Sichuan Province has teamed up with relevant departments to carry out “one-to-one” special services for large-scale licensing of key projects. Guizhou Province has launched a "non-closing service and I am on duty on weekends" convenience service. Jiangsu Province has built a number of large-ticket transportation channels and comprehensively promoted "credit + commitment + batch" approval services and other related measures.

  In order to further improve the full-chain service and supervision system for large-scale transport, the Ministry of Transport has recently launched a one-year digital upgrade of highway large-scale transport licenses to promote the convenience of large-scale transport approval services and intelligent traffic supervision, and continuously improve the The declaration efficiency and certificate application experience of transportation companies help form a unified, open and orderly national large-scale transportation market.

  ——Strengthen strength, increase efficiency, and better adapt to the development needs of equipment manufacturing.

  "As my country's urbanization and industrialization process continues to accelerate, the industrial equipment carried by large-scale logistics has gradually developed into large, heavy and super-heavy, and the difficulty of transportation technology has gradually increased." Zheng Yanzhao said that it is restricted by factors such as funds, labor, and management. , At present, my country's large-scale logistics enterprises generally have low efficiency, and their scientific and technological innovation capabilities are still insufficient, which to a certain extent restricts the development of the large-scale logistics industry. He suggested that we should accelerate the cultivation of leading and key enterprises, support and guide enterprises to integrate supply chain resources, continuously strengthen technological innovation capabilities, and promote the intensive and large-scale development of large-scale transportation.

  Han Xin

  (People's Daily)