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In “Professions of the Future” they named the rules for writing a cover letter

2/21/2024, 2:01:07 AM

Highlights: A successful cover letter must contain a motivational part that will show your high interest. A cover letter can be an excellent tool for self-presentation and will help the recruiter form the right impression of you. It is better to focus on those skills that will help in solving problems in a new job. “Convince the employer to schedule an appointment with you,” says Svetlana Semerenko, a career expert at the Moscow center “Professions of the Future”

Career expert at the Moscow center “Professions of the Future” Svetlana Semerenko told how to write a cover letter that will set the applicant apart from other candidates and help get an invitation to an interview.

“A cover letter is not a mere formality, but a reflection of your personality and a unique touch to your resume. Moreover, if the resume advertises you, then the cover letter already advertises your resume,” says the expert.

According to the specialist, in order for a recruiter to be interested in your candidacy, you should adhere to three basic rules. A successful cover letter must contain a motivational part that will show your high interest.

“Be sure to greet the potential employer and introduce yourself. Indicate your motivation - tell us why you want to work in this company and what goals of the organization resonate with yours,” explained the career expert.

A cover letter can be an excellent tool for self-presentation and will help the recruiter form the right impression of you.

“In your cover letter it would be appropriate to talk about the professional competencies that are required for the desired position and that you have developed. Briefly indicate completed projects and work results that you are proud of. Measurable indicators—numbers and percentages—will help you look convincing,” added Semerenko.

It is better to focus on those skills that will help in solving problems in a new job. Don’t be shy—tell us how you might be interesting to the employer, she noted.

The ideal cover letter should end with a call to action, says the expert.

“Convince the employer to schedule an appointment with you. On it you will tell in detail what benefits you can bring to the company. It’s worth ending the letter with contacts through which you can be quickly contacted,” Semerenko concluded.

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