Teller Report

Hugo Silva: "There are a lot of nervous and afraid abusers right now, that's very good"

2/21/2024, 2:51:27 PM

Highlights: Hugo Silva: "There are a lot of nervous and afraid abusers right now, that's very good". "I'm looking forward to being given dark roles, but since I have a good face, I play good. What a pain!" Miguel Herran. "I didn't like the life I had and I abandoned everything. I left my girlfriend and my friends, I changed my phone number and disappeared" Hugo Silva (Madrid, 1977) walks through Lavapiés greeting people as if he were just another resident of the neighborhood... because he is. A normality that would have been unthinkable 15 years ago.

Hugo Silva (Madrid, 1977) walks through Lavapiés greeting people as if he were just another resident of the neighborhood... because he is. A normality that would have been unthinkable 15 ago...

Iñako Díaz-Guerra

Updated Wednesday, February 21, 2024-00:08

  • Newspaper archive. All Chimpún interviews by Iñako Díaz-Guerra

  • Marta Etura. "I'm looking forward to being given dark roles, but since I have a good face, I play good. What a pain!"

  • Miguel Herran. "I didn't like the life I had and I abandoned everything. I left my girlfriend and my friends, I changed my phone number and disappeared"

Hugo Silva

(Madrid, 1977) walks through Lavapiés greeting people as if he were just another resident of the neighborhood... because he is. A normality that would have been unthinkable 15 years ago, when invasive fame, crazy fans and his rejection of the madness that surrounded him made him live on the defensive. That Hugo has nothing to do with the current one, the one who has touched the


and now premieres

'Buscando a Coque'

, where the fan is him (of Coque Malla), his partner cheats on him and he continues to move away from that cliché of a guy who he always won. "The years have come to me like God in many ways," he summarizes.

This time, the leading man is the other one. Yes, and I loved it above all because, apart from the fact that I found the script very funny and it is very well constructed, I was touched by the couple. A romantic comedy is usually

boy meets girl

Something happens, there are disagreements, but love conquers everything. Not here, here the starting point is a couple who have been together for a long time and are practically family, something happens that suddenly destabilizes everything and yet there is something very beautiful and very healthy which is trying to understand each other. He has a hard time, he is jealous and all that, but above all he wants to understand. And that, which is not the first thing that comes to mind when you are deceived, makes a lot of sense and is very adult. More typical of this age to which, in some way, we have reached. Exactly. Over the years we have learned to relativize certain things, to face love in a healthier and more mature way. Are you grateful that this maturity is destroying the stereotype from the beginning of your career? Yes, very much. Characters of our age already have permission to have contradictions, be wrong and be lost. I like that a lot because, contrary to what is often said that an actor has to know his character very well, I prefer not to understand them, I enjoy it more when I don't know why they do what they do. This way you don't have to think about it so much, you have to do it directly. In the end we all have contradictions, dark sides and we make mistakes knowing that we are going to make mistakes. In reality, growing up is not about stopping screwing up, it is knowing that you are going to do it: "I'm going to give it to myself, I'm going to give it to myself, I'm going to give it to myself and I'm going straight...". And shit to the song. That makes me very funny. I see that you are not the typical method actor who takes the character home and claims that being an actor makes him a better person because he lives many lives. I am very little mystical, I like to distance myself from the character as soon as the end of the film ends. sequence, but I recognize that when I am acting I do have the feeling of being in another different reality and that is normal for it to enrich you in small installments, but without freaking out. If I look at it from a distance, yes I may live extra, but I don't want this to be understood in a spiritual way either. I live extra, but I live extra in microdoses. The fashion of mysticism has not captured you. I like to move, or I like to think that I move, between the two things: neither becoming a mystic nor being frivolous. Sometimes I also freak out on my own, but I think the healthiest thing for me is to distance myself and even laugh at what I'm doing. I clown a lot on filming, that's also why it's my way of relaxing and downplaying it, and then going to town. Were you a fan when you were young? Yes, I was a big fan of both rock bands and electronic music producers. I'm just from the generation that in the 90s, some days I went to Space [historical electronic club] and other days, to the Canciller [the temple of heavy music]. Look, for me music does have something mystical about it and when I was young I idealized many musicians as something religious, although today that doesn't happen to me anymore. Did seeing yourself on the other side change your perspective: being you who was being chased by fans? ?Fame, when one experiences it, is very strange, not to mention absurd.In the end the healthiest thing is to face it, not turn around and say: "Bah, I'll pass on this, this doesn't suit me." It's lying to yourself because of course it goes. One's circumstances must be looked at squarely as much as possible and that is what I did. Little by little, because it is not easy, but in the end you have to accept that you are who you are, in my case an actor that people know, and begin to give it normality, to live with what it implies and include it in your day to day. day. It's not easy, but you end up learning to live your life, be patient and understand that absurd and beautiful thing that there are people who are really excited to greet you or take a photo. At first it made me feel overwhelmed or rejected, but now it gives me a lot of tenderness. You've gotten older. Don't doubt it [laughs]. Maybe that's why, but I've reached that point: it's not that I'm excited, but it does make me tender. In the end, my job is to show my face in a film that is made thanks to a very large team without which there would be nothing. I know that when people come up to me to tell me something nice about my work, what they are thanking me for is not something I have done alone, but rather something I have done thanks to a huge team behind me. I like that.

The Madrid actor, through the streets of Lavapiés.Angel Navarrete

In the end it couldn't be, but you have been very close to the Goya for

Un amor

. It was your first nomination after 25 years of successful career. Has it taken too long? They have told me so, but I can't complain. I'm having a fantastic career, I've had a lot of opportunities from people who have trusted me and now this has come. I sincerely believe that it comes at the best time and when it should come. I can not complain about anything. What's up, what's up. I am privileged in this business and I am very aware of it. Does it hurt a lot not to win it? Let's see, you want to win and I was very nervous all the days before with so much exposure and so many sensations at the same time, but nothing happens. The nomination is already a source of pride and, as José Coronado said when collecting the award, we still have time. Once again, cinema is under scrutiny for sexual abuse and assault, this time due to the case of Carlos Vermut and the response of the profession in the gala. How do you rate it? Like any sensible person, I was totally shocked. The only positive thing I get from these cases is that those men who have committed or are in a position to commit abuses of power right now will be nervous and thinking about it a lot. If you are worried, we have gained something because, unfortunately, these terrible situations happen in all sectors and the fact that cases arise in a group as exposed as ours can serve as a warning: "This is no longer tolerated." There are a lot of abusers who are afraid right now and that is very good. Do you think it has been a common practice in the audiovisual industry? Allow me to go out of my way a little because I think it has been common in the entire society. Men are finally becoming aware of things that a few years ago we neither knew nor considered, even those of us who thought we had a certain feminist tendency. I thought it was and now I know it wasn't. We have to do a job of honesty and sincerity. Now what we have to do is shut up and listen. Above all, that. I have never been afraid or really felt threatened, I may have felt uncomfortable at some point, but I knew that nothing was going to happen to me. At this midpoint in your career... I really like that you say midpoint. I am At your age, I think we have 40 or 50 years left. Totally agree. Do you get nostalgic and take stock? What I remember most is my father and my grandmother. When I started this, my father didn't understand anything. When I told him that I really wanted to be an actor, he looked at me as if he were looking at an alien, but little by little he became my number one fan and he was the one who was most excited about all this that happens to me. I'm very sorry that I didn't see the nomination. And my grandmother was the same, she was a fan of posters and clippings, I inherited them and I have them saved without really knowing what to do with them. I'm sorry, I miss them, but I'm still in the fight like the first day.