Teller Report

From inside Gaza.. a French doctor documents the suffering of civilians and patients

2/21/2024, 3:11:28 PM

Highlights: From inside Gaza.. a French doctor documents the suffering of civilians and patients. A French doctor sends his recorded testimonies to Al Jazeera Net so that the world can see what is happening on the ground in Gaza. At the same time, he calls on the world to take action, lift the siege on the Gaza Strip, and cease fire. The doctor adds, "I saw many aid trucks, but one of the hospital employees told me that 80% of this aid that arrived was only water bottles, and only a little food is allowed to enter"

A French doctor sends his recorded testimonies to Al Jazeera Net so that the world can see what is happening on the ground in Gaza, calling on the world at the same time to take action, lift the siege on the Gaza Strip and cease fire.

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Gaza -

In audio recordings from inside the European Hospital in Khan Yunis, a French doctor - who did not wish to reveal his name for security reasons - narrates the details of the medical and humanitarian situation in Gaza, which is subject to ceaseless bombing by the Israeli occupation army.

Every morning, he is stopped by the sight of drones deployed in the sky, the roosters crowing at dawn, and his colleagues preparing to pray, before the occupation tank missiles resume their targeting of people and stones.

The French doctor sent his recorded testimonies and a group of photos and video clips to Al Jazeera Net, out of his desire for the world to see what is happening on the ground without falsifying or exaggerating the facts. At the same time, he called on the world to take action, lift the siege on the Gaza Strip, and cease fire.

A photo of displaced and injured people inside the European Hospital taken by a French doctor (Al Jazeera)

Water bottles and people are hungry

On February 9, the French doctor recorded his experience last night, saying, “Heavy rain fell on Thursday, February 8, and flooded the tents under the European Hospital, where 25,000 people live. I can hear the children crying and the gunshots not very far away.” "Maybe a few hundred metres."

He added, "I saw many aid trucks, but one of the hospital employees told me that 80% of this aid that arrived was only water bottles, and only a little food is allowed to enter while people are starving."

One of the children in the vicinity of the European Hospital (Al Jazeera)

February 10.. Children under bombardment

The time indicates 7:15 am. I could see the sun behind the fog and hear the birds singing from the courtyard of the nearby nursing school, but the night was very difficult, and Nasser Hospital (Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Yunis) and the city of Rafah were still the main targets of the bombing.

Aid has not arrived and we do not really know what is happening in northern and central Gaza. In the south, salaries have not been paid to most medical staff for 5 months. The nursing director here told me that he got $100 a month after his salary was $1,200.

Yesterday, we received at least 4 people in the operating room who were injured in the abdomen and head. In intensive care, a girl (7 years old) suffers from severe burns, and another child suffers from a cranial hemorrhage as a result of a head injury.

Tents for the displaced in the vicinity of the European Hospital (Al Jazeera)

February 11... Worn out tents

At ten o'clock at night, I see palm trees, children playing, and laundry spread out in the garden. Life seems calm when you look at it from above, like a small village square, but soon your eyes will fall on the worn-out tents of the displaced.

I raise my head and think I see stars, but they are drones hovering everywhere, and they may be as many as the stars in the sky. About 400 meters to my right, an Israeli tank is demolishing everything in front of it. The pace of shelling was intense today, and homes were destroyed about one kilometer away.

It becomes difficult to watch all these wonderful children playing and drawing in these conditions. Yesterday, I lent a paper and pencil to a little girl, and she drew a Palestinian flag and a house filled with sunshine and hope.

“They are a very beautiful people, and it is difficult to imagine that our countries, including France, which has more than 5,000 soldiers, America and Germany, support these fighter planes and this fascist drift to exterminate a people who defend freedom and peace.”

The doctor adds, "I saw civilians destroyed, torn apart, and dying. Today, 5 people died in intensive care, but life goes on and we hear the bombing and missiles as if they were fireworks."

Displaced people sleep in the corridors of the European Hospital in Khan Younis (Al Jazeera)

February 13.. Values ​​thrown out the window

The doctor writes, “It is now 4:30 in the morning, and my colleague is preparing himself for prayer. After 5 hours of calm at night, the drones resumed bombing in the east and west of the hospital.”

“Today, we received members of the Palmed team currently in Rafah, including a neurologist and an oncologist. One of them - of Palestinian origins - told me that he studied medicine in Germany, where he learned about human rights, but he never thought that Western countries would throw away their values.” The window to satisfy Israel.”

"Another colleague described to me what he observed while working in health centers in the city of Rafah, which the Israeli army threatens to invade, predicting a real catastrophe if that happens. Regarding the displaced, he said that they live in tents and plastic rooms that even animals cannot stay inside."

Gazan doctors are working at a continuous pace and have not received their salaries for months (Al Jazeera)

February 14.. The story of Doctor Adel

“Tonight I will sleep with Dr. Adel and other colleagues in a small room that does not exceed 3 square metres. Meanwhile, Adel, who worked as a specialist in infectious internal diseases at Al-Shifa Hospital, told me about his long and complicated journey from Rafah to Khan Yunis, where he went to bring 75 kilograms of flour in difficult and dangerous transportation conditions, and he paid $6 - a large sum for people who have not had any income for several months.”

While trying to gather his strength and eat a little bread, the Palestinian doctor pointed out that there were entire families without electricity or wood, hundreds of meters from the hospital. Finding wood had become a difficult and expensive task, as the price of one kilo of it reached one dollar. Prices also rose insanely, to the point that one egg is sold for a dollar, and a kilogram of sugar reaches 40 shekels, that is, more than 10 dollars.”

Adel remembers the details of his trip by saying, “We do not sleep well and we hear explosive bombs every night. There is not enough medicine, and the issue of the spread of infection and the infection of wounds has become inevitable,” as he told the French doctor.

At the conclusion of our conversation, the French doctor said, “I asked Adel about the meaning of the word ‘thank God’ and why he always says it. He answered me, saying, ‘I thank God because I still have health, sight, and the ability to help my countrymen and members of my family, and this is a priceless blessing.’”

A photo of an Israeli bombing near the European Hospital, taken by a French doctor (Al Jazeera)

February 15.. Rafah secret trip

On this day, the French doctor says, “The situation was very complicated in Nasser Hospital, which was bombed today, and the medical teams are still stuck inside it. This morning, I rode in an ambulance with my friend, the obstetrician and gynecologist, Zuhair, towards Rafah in complete secrecy after leaving my cell phones.”

“It was like another world with a different atmosphere,” he says, adding, “I saw some stalls and food items where people were reselling donations provided by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) that they did not consume, in order to survive. But what really surprised me was the absence Smile. The looks of passers-by were sad, and the children were dirty and running around with bare feet despite the cold weather.”

“When I arrived at Rafah Hospital, I met the medical staff and the former head of the intensive care unit at Al-Shifa Hospital, who is working on developing many programs, such as infection prevention. I was impressed by this man’s culture, intelligence, and speed in serving patients despite the loss of his wife and a number of his children.” During the war."

“I was also amazed by the good organization of this small hospital, which performs 10 to 16 caesarean sections daily, and these operations may have multiplied 3 or 4 times now.”

“There I saw how tired and exhausted the doctors were, and their eyes were strained due to lack of sleep, due to anxiety, bombing, and urgent cases that might come to them at any moment. But despite all the circumstances, they wore clean clothes and performed their duty to the fullest.”

“Before we entered a school, we stopped on the side of the road to find that the cost of one tent had reached $800. As for the school, it was a courtyard of 100 square meters surrounded by 4 buildings inhabited by thousands of families and their children, some of whom approached me and held my hand with unforgettable smiles.”

On the return trip, the doctor wrote, “I remembered the slogans we used to repeat every day in front of the European Parliament: ‘Children of Gaza, children of Palestine, it is humanity that is being killed.’”

Source: Al Jazeera