Teller Report

British Ministry of Defence: ``Russian military will gradually expand territory under its control in Ukraine''

2/21/2024, 1:11:17 PM

Highlights: British Ministry of Defence: ``Russian military will gradually expand territory under its control in Ukraine''. British Ministry of Defense: ''We will gradually try to expand the area we control over the next few weeks from Audi Ivka.'' ” is analyzed. American media has pointed out the magnitude of the impact of losing this town on Ukraine. The Russian Ministry of. Defense announced on February 17th that it had taken control of Audiiivka, a fiercely fought. area in Donetsk Oblast in eastern Ukraine.

[NHK] The British Ministry of Defense has announced that it will take several weeks to take control of the Russian military, which announced that it had taken control of the fiercely fought site of Audi Ivka in eastern Ukraine.

The British Ministry of Defense has expressed the view that the Russian military, which announced that it had taken control of the fiercely fought area of ​​Audi Ivka in eastern Ukraine, will try to expand its control over the next few weeks.

American media has pointed out the magnitude of the impact of losing this town on Ukraine.

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on February 17th that it had taken control of Audiiivka, a fiercely fought area in Donetsk Oblast in eastern Ukraine, and Russian Defense Minister Shoigu stated in an interview with the state-run TASS news agency on the 20th that the Ukrainian military had recaptured the battleground. He reiterated that he had regained control of Klinki, a village on the east bank of the Dnipro River in the southern Kherson region.

In response to the question, ``Can we say that there is an end to the Ukrainian military's reversal offensive?'' he answered, ``Overall, yes,'' and emphasized that the Ukrainian military's reversal offensive had ended in failure.

Regarding the future direction of the Russian military, the British Ministry of Defense said on the 20th, ``We need a period of rest and preparation.We will gradually try to expand the area we control over the next few weeks from Audi Ivka.'' ” is analyzed.

Meanwhile, the New York Times, a leading American newspaper, reported on the 20th that 850 to 1,000 soldiers were captured by Russia when Ukrainian troops withdrew from Audiiivka, citing Western officials and local soldiers. I told them that there was a possibility that he might be missing.

The New York Times said, ``The loss of Audi Ivka may be more important than initially thought,'' as the Ukrainian military suffers from a personnel shortage and the loss of many soldiers means it will need more replacements. ”, pointing out the magnitude of the impact on Ukraine of losing this town.