Teller Report

Alabama equates frozen embryos to “children”, receives criticism in the United States

2/21/2024, 3:01:09 PM

Highlights: Alabama equates frozen embryos to “children”, receives criticism in the United States. The Supreme Court of Alabama considers embryos preserved by freezing to be ‘children’ White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre denounced Tuesday the U.S. Supreme Court's decision. Resolve, the leading American association dedicated to infertility, fears that this court decision will have “  devastating consequences” for in vitro fertilization procedures in this southern US state. The state medical association warned that such a decision could lead to the closure of clinics dedicated to fertility.

The Supreme Court of Alabama considers embryos preserved by freezing to be “children”, a decision strongly criticized Tuesday by the American medical community and the White House.

Alabama equates frozen embryos to “children”, receives criticism in the United States

The Supreme Court of Alabama considers embryos preserved by freezing to be “children”, a decision strongly criticized Tuesday by the American medical community and the White House.

A research scientist manipulates frozen embryonic stem cells in a laboratory. AFP - MAURICIO LIMA

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Across the country, women are suffering the devastating consequences of the actions of Republican elected officials 

,” White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre denounced Tuesday. She said the


Supreme Court's decision

reflects " 

exactly the kind of chaos that was expected when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade 

”, the 1973 ruling establishing the right to abortion.

This outcry follows a contested decision by the Alabama State Supreme Court. Unlike the court, which dismissed the complaint of three families against an in vitro fertilization clinic by ruling that the embryos could not be qualified as "person

» or “child

», the Supreme Court decided otherwise.

Also read One year after the annulment of the Roe v. Wade, the right to abortion in danger in the United States

In a court decision handed down on Friday, she ruled that the law on infant deaths mentioned by the court “ 

applies to all unborn children, without limits

 ”. “ 

The people of Alabama have declared that it is the policy of this state that unborn human life is sacred 

,” he wrote in reference to the state's abortion ban. “ 

We believe that every human being, from the moment of conception, is made in the image of God

 ,” he further notes in his court decision.

Resolve, the leading American association dedicated to infertility, fears that this court decision will have “ 

devastating consequences 

” for in vitro fertilization procedures in this southern


state . “ 

This new legal framework could make practices such as in vitro fertilization impossible

 ,” denounced the NGO.

For its part, the state medical association warned that such a decision “ 

could lead to the closure of clinics dedicated to fertility and the movement of specialists to other states in order to practice

 ” their activity without fear of legal problems.




Also readIn the news: in the United States, the right to abortion once again before the Texan courts


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