Teller Report

'Koldo Case', Ayuso's "revenge" against the PSOE two years after the complaints about her brother's masks

2/21/2024, 7:21:12 PM

Highlights: 'Koldo Case', Ayuso's "revenge" against the PSOE two years after the complaints about her brother's masks. On February 22, 2022, Anticorruption opened, following complaints from Más Madrid, PSOE and Podemos. Koldo García Izaguirre, advisor to former minister José Luis Ábalos, and Víctor de Aldama, president of Zamora CF and associate of the company. The case was initially filed by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office in June 2022.

On February 22, 2022, Anticorruption opened, after complaints from Más Madrid, PSOE and Podemos, an investigation against the brother of Isabel Díaz Ayuso for an alleged...

Pablo R. Roces Madrid


Updated Wednesday, February 21, 2024-20:05

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  • Profile Koldo García, the man for everything from Ábalos: beatings, convictions, a pardon and the origins in the Rosalex club

  • Politics Sánchez dissociates himself from the mask plot and denies that he had information when he dismissed Ábalos as minister

On February 22, 2022, Anticorruption opened, following complaints from Más Madrid, PSOE and Podemos, an investigation against the brother of Isabel Díaz Ayuso for an alleged fraudulent collection of a commission of 55,000 euros from a contract for the supply of masks to the Community of Madrid during the pandemic. A day later, after an internal war in the party, the case was brought before the national president of the PP, Pablo Casado, who had pointed out a possible crime from Genoa.

In this scenario, and in response to the accusations from the forces of the left, the PP of Madrid decided to start the investigation of the contracts of the Covid stage of the central Government. A search that crystallized in the lawsuit against a dozen contracts worth 326 million euros. Especially against three of them,

with an attribution of 40 million

, awarded to the company Soluciones de Gestión y Apoyo a la Empresa, which have ended with the arrest of Koldo García Izaguirre, advisor to former minister José Luis Ábalos, and Víctor de Aldama, president of Zamora CF and associate of the company.

Sources from the PP in Madrid and those around the regional president acknowledge in conversation with EL MUNDO that "the siege" of Tomás Díaz Ayuso was "the trigger" for the


machinery to start working in search of irregularities in the awarding of the Moncloa contracts, which now affect the former Minister of Transport and Urban Agenda. "We did not intend to enter that field, but since the left dedicated itself to attacking us with a case filed by Justice, we decided to investigate," details a member of the

popular leader's circle of trust.


Yes, it was our revenge

," summarizes a member of the Madrid PP.

This "revenge" comes two years after the PP imploded, forcing the resignation of Pablo Casado as president of the party and leading to the rise of Alberto Núñez Feijóo. The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, alluded to precisely this fact this Wednesday during his visit to Rabat when asked about the case of Koldo García. The leader of the PSOE was surprised by the "slander" of the

popular people

, ensuring that the Galician baron came to power due to a case "that has not been investigated or recriminated", in reference to that of Ayuso's brother's masks.

"Everything was investigated by different authorities and it was shown that there was nothing," the Madrid president replied through her Twitter account. The case was initially filed by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office in June 2022 and, later, in March 2023, by the European Prosecutor's Office. "

I like fruit

," Ayuso concluded her message, referring to the expression that her team claimed she had uttered when a camera caught her in the Congress gallery, at Sánchez's investiture session, calling her "son of "whore" to the President of the Government.

The suspicions of the PP of Madrid against the supply of medical supplies that has led to the arrest of Ábalos's advisor after the


complaint began because

in 2019 the company Management and Support Solutions for the Company had invoiced zero euros

, just before receiving the award of Covid contracts; It had commercial links with African countries, but at no time with China, and was dedicated to technical advice on energy, water and agricultural infrastructure, without relation to the health sector.

In fact, the company's own auditor, Auren, in her accounts published in the Commercial Registry establishes that "

all of the company's income comes from the supply of personal protective equipment to different public and private entities

." In the three contracts denounced by the

popular ones

there is one awarded by State Ports, dependent on the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, for the delivery of prophylaptic masks for 24.2 million; another from Adif, also dependent on the department of Ábalos, for 12.5 million for the delivery of FFP2 masks, and a third for 3.47 million for protective material from the Ministry of the Interior.