Teller Report

Wink of complicity from Queen Letizia to a group of tractor drivers in Salamanca

2/20/2024, 2:00:50 PM

Highlights: Wink of complicity from Queen Letizia to a group of tractor drivers in Salamanca. Waved to the group of about 25 protesters who were located next to a roundabout leading to the airport. The gesture of complicity was appreciated by the tractor drivers, who were dressed in reflective vests and holding banners alluding to the crisis that the agricultural sector is going through. Even on one of the tractors the following phrase could be read on a banner: "Doña Letiza, please, a wink for the Spanish primary sector"

Queen Letizia has earned the recognition of the farmers and ranchers who, with their tractors, were demonstrating at the exit of the...

David Vigario

Updated Tuesday, February 20, 2024-14:38

Queen Letizia

has earned the recognition of the farmers and ranchers who, with their tractors, were demonstrating at the exit of the 'Matacán' airport facilities in Salamanca, where the Queen had traveled to preside over an event of the

Princess of Girona Foundation


Specifically, Letizia lowered the window of the official car and waved to the group of about 25 protesters who were located next to a roundabout leading to the airport. The gesture of complicity was appreciated by the tractor drivers, who were dressed in reflective vests and holding banners alluding to the crisis that the agricultural sector is going through. Even on one of the tractors the following phrase could be read on a banner:

"Doña Letizia, please, a wink for the Spanish primary sector."

Thus, just as the queen's entourage passed by, whose official vehicle slowed down with the intention of Letizia greeting them with her hand, the protesters applauded en masse, thus thanking her for the gesture of recognition of their work and also expressing their gratitude. has been interpreted as support for the demonstrations that are now in their third week since their beginning.

This Tuesday, the queen presides over an art awards ceremony for the Princess Girona Foundation, which is being held in Salamanca.