Teller Report

The Trojan horse of Platform 6F for this week: "With the permits we enter Madrid and we reinforce ourselves by camping like the 15M"

2/20/2024, 3:23:40 AM

Highlights: The Trojan horse of Platform 6F for this week: "With the permits we enter Madrid and we reinforce ourselves by camping like the 15M". David Vigario Merida: If two weekends ago he failed in his first attempt by not getting the necessary support from the farmers and ranchers, now its leaders are looking for an alternative that will restore the focus they lost after the incidents that occurred next to the Metropolitan stadium on Saturday the 10th. "That's where the shots can go. Strategy and surprise factor."

The Agrarian Platform 6F does not give up in its efforts to collapse Madrid. If two weekends ago he failed in his first attempt by not getting the necessary support from the...

David Vigario Merida


Updated Tuesday, February 20, 2024-03:57


Agrarian Platform 6F

does not give up in its efforts to

collapse Madrid

. If two weekends ago it failed in its first attempt by not obtaining the necessary support from farmers and ranchers, now its leaders are looking for an alternative that will restore the focus they lost after the incidents that occurred next to the Metropolitan stadium on Saturday the 10th when the leader of the movement, Lola Guzmán, rebuked the agents of the State Security Forces and Corps.

"We can take advantage of these permits from the Union of Unions (an agrarian organization) to enter Madrid and once there we become strong with a camping trip or something similar to the 15M style of Podemos) and not leave Madrid until God wants (sic). "That's where the shots can go. Strategy and surprise factor." This message - to which EL MUNDO has had access - was launched yesterday in the WhatsApp group established by the most important members of the agrarian platform, which is trying this third week to regain credibility and pulse on the street.

To do this, as the cited text indicates, their intention is to take advantage of the demonstration that the agrarian organization La Unión de Uniones - which is not represented on the Agrarian Advisory Council - has scheduled for this Wednesday in Madrid. In fact,

starting this Tuesday, and from several autonomous communities, the tractor drives

of this association will begin on their way to the capital of Spain.

The 6F platform is beheaded after

the loss of focus of the former Vox supporter

following the impact of her references to agents, which caused strong rejection from farmers and ranchers who had followed this platform in the first days as it was the first. who made the protest calls through social networks. As a consequence of this discredit of Guzmán, several provincial platforms - from territories such as Castilla y León or Cáceres - publicly positioned themselves against the leader of this movement, who left days later for Rome to protest in the agrarian demonstrations that took place on last Friday in the Italian capital.

Added to this internal crisis on Monday was the person who had accompanied her since the founding of this movement,



This lawyer was the one who took care of the costs of the tarp that the 'Desokupa' group placed last summer in a building in Atocha (Madrid) and also defended the person who rebuked the Minister of Transport, Óscar Puente, in an AVE car.

In this context, Lola Guzmán, back in Spain, returned yesterday to make statements on television in her homeland, Valencia, and presented herself again as the spokesperson for 6F at the national level (last Monday the lawyer had relegated her only to spokesperson in your province). Guzmán pointed out that

"we are not vandals"

and added that during an act of protest agents from the National Police had approached her to ask her "apologies for the actions of her colleagues on Saturday in Madrid" and added that she had also apologized " for the heated words said on my part. We have apologized to each other - he added - and there the issue has been settled and in forgiveness lies the human quality of people."