Teller Report

The first cold wave in the Year of the Dragon has ushered in these frequent "emergency diseases". Pay attention to protection

2/20/2024, 3:42:15 AM

Highlights: According to the forecast of the meteorological department, there will be cold wave strong winds, low temperature rain, snow and freezing weather in the next few days. The elderly, pregnant women, infants and young children, outdoor workers, and people with chronic diseases such as respiratory diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, etc. need to pay more attention to their health conditions and prepare in advance. Wear warm quilts and clothing, maintain indoor air circulation, and take preventive measures against diseases.

  Wuhan Evening News (Reporter Jiang Mengqing) According to the forecast of the meteorological department, there will be cold wave strong winds, low temperature rain, snow and freezing weather in the next few days, and the temperature drop will reach 18℃-20℃. Liu Tao, deputy chief physician of the Geriatrics Department of the Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Hospital Affiliated to Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) Huayuanshan Campus, reminded that when the temperature changes significantly, the elderly, weak, sick, young and pregnant people should take precautions to keep warm and beware of cold waves. The following are common “emergency illnesses”.

  Respiratory diseases. When the weather suddenly turns cold and the human body catches cold, viruses and bacteria can easily invade. Viruses and bacteria that originally parasitized in the respiratory tract will also take the opportunity to cause trouble and induce various respiratory diseases, such as influenza, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, asthma, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to keep warm, add appropriate clothing when going out, and remember to wear masks, scarves, hats, etc. At the same time, you should drink more water and eat more vegetables, fruits, etc.

  Cardiovascular disease. When the human body is stimulated by cold, it will stimulate the sympathetic nerves, constrict blood vessels throughout the body, cause blood pressure to rise, and aggravate blood pressure fluctuations. Patients with underlying cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are prone to cardiac ischemia, brain ischemia and hypoxia, and are prone to acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. Frequent episodes of chest tightness, palpitations, panting, and gradually worsening lower limb edema are common signs of cardiovascular disease; common signs of cerebrovascular disease are amaurosis, transient visual impairment, frequent yawning, and unsteady walking. Dr. Liu Tao pointed out that patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases need to seek medical treatment in time if they feel unwell.

  Cold weather can also cause blood sugar disorders, reduce the resistance of diabetic patients, and make the treatment of the disease worse. Being wrapped in heavy clothes can easily cause diabetic patients to neglect skin care, which is also a common reason for the high incidence of skin lesions in diabetic patients at this time. Dr. Liu Tao pointed out that when the weather changes, diabetic patients should pay more attention to monitoring blood pressure and blood sugar, and adjust their medication according to the situation.

  According to the "Cold Wave Public Health Protection Guidelines", the elderly, pregnant women, infants and young children, outdoor workers, and people with chronic diseases such as respiratory diseases, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, etc. need to pay more attention to their health conditions and prepare in advance. Wear warm quilts and clothing, maintain indoor air circulation, and take preventive measures against diseases.