Teller Report

The annual average concentration of PM2.5 in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei dropped by about 60% compared with 2013.

2/20/2024, 6:21:05 AM

Highlights: The annual average concentration of PM2.5 in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei dropped by about 60% compared with 2013. Beijing's Miyun Reservoir and Huairou Yanqi Lake were selected as outstanding examples of beautiful rivers and lakes in the country. The background color of the blue sky is purer and the gold content is more abundant, which has become the most rewarding fact for the general public. The water environment in the three places has completely eliminated sections with inferior Class V quality.

  China News Service, February 20 (Xinhua) According to the Beijing Ecological Environment WeChat public account, in the past ten years, the ecological environment quality in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has achieved remarkable results. By the end of 2023, the annual average concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei has dropped by about 60% compared with 2013; the number of days with heavy pollution has been significantly reduced, and the number of days with good pollution has increased significantly.

Simultaneous improvement of regional ecological and environmental quality

  By the end of 2023, the annual average concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei has dropped by about 60% compared with 2013; the number of days with heavy pollution has been significantly reduced, and the number of days with good pollution has increased significantly. Among them, the average annual concentration of fine particulate matter PM2.5 in Beijing is 32 micrograms/cubic meter and has stably reached the standard for three consecutive years. The background color of the blue sky is purer and the gold content is more abundant, which has become the most rewarding fact for the general public. The water environment in the three places has completely eliminated sections with inferior Class V quality, and the proportion of national surface water assessment sections with excellent water quality has dynamically met the national goals of the “14th Five-Year Plan”. Among them, Beijing's Miyun Reservoir and Huairou Yanqi Lake were selected as outstanding examples of beautiful rivers and lakes in the country. The natural beauty of "clear water, green banks, and fish swimming on the shallow bottom" has gradually been integrated into citizens' lives.

Joint construction, joint prevention and joint treatment of ecological environment continue to expand and deepen

  Over the past ten years, the three places have conscientiously implemented the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development ecological and environmental protection requirements to take the lead in breakthroughs, focusing on key areas and taking a series of hard measures to continuously achieve new breakthroughs.

  Collaborative development goes deep and solid. Over the past ten years, we have signed and implemented the "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coordinated Development of Ecological Environment Protection and the First Breakthrough Cooperation Framework Agreement" and the "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Ecological Environment Joint Construction, Joint Prevention and Control Framework Agreement during the 14th Five-Year Plan Period", and improved the joint prevention and control of air pollution and key river basins. There are more than 10 collaborative working mechanisms including joint protection and joint management, information sharing, law enforcement linkage, joint emergency drills for water environment emergencies, environmental assessment consultations, petition reports, and ecological environment damage compensation. In 2023, the three places jointly established the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Ecological Collaboration Special Working Group to formulate and implement two batches of a list of 44 in-depth and practical measures. The nine departments of ecological environment, water affairs, and landscaping in the three places worked together to coordinate the mountains, rivers, forests, fields, and lakes. "Big environmental protection" system management of grass and sand.

  Joint prevention and control of air pollution. In the coordinated development of ecological and environmental protection in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, air pollution has always been the most important part of the first breakthrough. The three places continue to deepen cooperation and vigorously promote the optimization and adjustment of energy, industry, transportation and other structures. The "Regulations on the Prevention and Control of Pollution Emissions from Motor Vehicles and Non-Road Mobile Machinery" will be simultaneously promulgated and implemented to provide a solid and powerful legal guarantee for the coordinated management of mobile sources. For seven consecutive years, Beijing has launched a comprehensive campaign to control air pollution in autumn and winter. Beijing has taken the lead in realizing that plain areas are basically coal-free, and has gradually expanded the "coal-to-electricity" project to residents in mountainous areas. 93% of villages and 96% of farmers have achieved clean heating; Revise the "Beijing Heavy Air Pollution Emergency Plan" to adhere to precise, scientific and differentiated management and control, and work with surrounding cities to respond to heavy pollution weather, effectively reducing pollution peaks and slowing down pollution accumulation. The joint working mechanism for ecological and environmental law enforcement in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region was implemented, and 10 remote suburbs and adjacent urban and county counties focused on the border areas to strictly investigate ecological and environmental violations, achieving "whistle blowing in one place and responding in three places." From "APEC Blue" and "Winter Olympics Blue" to "Beijing Blue", blue skies are always available.

  Joint protection and joint management of water environment. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region belongs to the Haihe River Basin water system, with upstream and downstream and left and right banks of each other. The governments of Beijing and Hebei have signed two rounds of horizontal ecological compensation agreements for the water source conservation area of ​​the Chaobai River Basin upstream of the Miyun Reservoir, and a horizontal ecological compensation agreement for the water source protection of the Yongding River Basin upstream of the Guanting Reservoir. Miyun District, Huairou District, Yanqing District, Mentougou District and Zhangjiakou District Chengde City and Chengde City jointly form a "water conservation community", forming a positive interaction between protectors and beneficiaries. Focusing on "spatial control and total nitrogen reduction", we jointly formulate and implement the "Comprehensive Plan for Ecological Environmental Protection in the Chaohe River Basin (2019-2025)", and make unified plans to protect good water upstream and deliver clean water downstream. A joint prevention and control mechanism for water pollution emergencies in the upstream and downstream of trans-provincial river basins has been implemented. The three places have conducted joint emergency drills for water environmental emergencies in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region for seven consecutive years to jointly improve environmental emergency monitoring and response capabilities.

  Green and low-carbon coordinated development. The three places will unswervingly implement the new development concept and promote high-quality economic development with high-level ecological and environmental protection. Actively promote the construction of fuel cell vehicle demonstration city clusters in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region; jointly study and compile the "Technical Specifications for Accounting Carbon Emission Reductions in Low-Carbon Travel" to promote the interconnection of regional carbon inclusive projects. Beijing has given full play to its pilot demonstration and leading role, carried out pilot projects for advanced low-carbon technologies, low-carbon front-runner enterprises, climate-friendly regions, and climate investment and financing, and released the country's first carbon emission reduction methodology for the field of vehicle hydrogen energy. In 2023, Beijing ranked first in the national low-carbon pilot city construction assessment, and Beijing's carbon dioxide emissions per 10,000 yuan of regional GDP have maintained the best level among provincial regions in the country for many consecutive years. Daxing District is making every effort to promote the construction of an international hydrogen energy demonstration zone and strive to create a golden business card of "New Country Gate·New Daxing". The Shunyi District automobile manufacturing industry cleaner production audit innovation pilot project was selected into the first batch of national clean production audit innovation pilot projects. Chaoyang District, Daxing District, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, and Chaoyang District Circular Economy Industrial Park were selected into the first batch of national collaborative innovation pilot projects for pollution reduction and carbon reduction in cities and industrial parks.

  The beauty of ecological protection is shared. In order to build a solid ecological security barrier in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Beijing has always firmly established and practiced the concept that clear waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and has promulgated and implemented the "Beijing Ecological Conservation Zone Ecological Protection and Green Development Regulations" to allow important ecological spaces to It has been strictly protected, and important ecosystems and habitats have been effectively protected; "technical specifications for accounting of ecological product value" have been formulated and "ecological accounts" calculated to intuitively reflect the ecological contribution of "lucid waters and green mountains"; a total of 9 districts have been rated as national ecological civilization The construction of a demonstration area or the title of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" practice innovation base, among which 5 all-area ecological conservation areas have won the "double title", and the path of "ecological priority, green development" is getting wider and wider. Mentougou District continues to deepen joint prevention, joint control and collaborative governance with Zhuolu County, Hebei Province and other areas around Beijing, and explores the construction of a large-scale biodiversity protection spatial pattern.

New “Two Wings” Green Development Presses the “Fast Forward Button”

  The construction of two new cities, Beijing City Sub-Center and Hebei Xiongan New District, will form the new "two wings" of Beijing. It is an important component of the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. It is a millennium plan and a national event.

  The Beijing Sub-City Center is accelerating the construction of a national green development demonstration zone and building a solid foundation for high-quality development around the six core elements of green industry, green energy, green transportation, green building, green ecology, and green culture. Under the guidance of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the National Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction (CCER) trading institution was constructed with high standards and has been officially launched. It was successfully selected into the first batch of national climate investment and financing pilot projects and initially built a climate investment and financing project library. Working together with the integrated high-quality development of Beisan County, the six sewage treatment plants in Yanjiao and Sanhe were constructed and operated in accordance with Beijing local standards.

  We fully support the construction of the ecological environment of Xiongan New Area and establish a working mechanism for the prevention and control of water pollution in rivers across provincial (municipal) boundaries in the Baiyangdian Basin. Beijing and Hebei jointly promote water pollution control in the Daqing River Basin upstream of Baiyangdian. Fangshan District and Baoding City jointly carry out law enforcement inspections and jointly carry out law enforcement inspections. Ensure the water quality of the river entering Baiyangdian Lake.