Teller Report

Operation against a priest and his partner in Don Benito for trafficking Viagra and other stimulants

2/20/2024, 3:20:57 AM

Highlights: Operation against a priest and his partner in Don Benito for trafficking Viagra and other stimulants. They are expected to be handed over to the judicial authority today. The arrests marked the culmination of investigations that began months ago. Officers arrested... . Gema Peñalosa Madrid Madrid Updated Tuesday, February 20, 2024-03:57 The Civil Guard yesterday carried out a unique operation inDon Benito (Badajoz) due to the profile of the detainees and the crime attributed to them.

The Civil Guard yesterday carried out a unique operation in Don Benito (Badajoz) due to the profile of the detainees and the crime attributed to both of them. Officers arrested...

Gema Peñalosa Madrid


Updated Tuesday, February 20, 2024-03:57


Civil Guard

yesterday carried out a unique operation in

Don Benito (Badajoz)

due to the profile of the detainees and the crime attributed to both of them. The agents arrested a priest and his romantic partner, according to investigation sources, for "trafficking"


and "other powerful aphrodisiacs" with a large amount of active charge that, the same sources highlight, they distributed from the priestly house.

As EL MUNDO has learned, the arrests occurred in the morning in the home that the priest shares with the other arrested man. In the search of the priest's house, the agents seized abundant stimulating material that, apparently, the priest distributed among an increasingly large clientele. The

Civil Guard

also carried out a search in the parish.

The investigators, for the moment, have not arrested any more people related to these events, although late yesterday afternoon they did not rule out that more arrests could be made in a new phase of the investigation. Regardless of what happens in the future, investigators are convinced that the priest and the other man are the ones directing the activity.

The arrests marked the culmination of investigations that began months ago after the agents of the Armed Institute became aware of the alleged illicit activities of the priest and his companion. Apparently, there was constant movement of people in the priestly house, located in the same parish where the detainee officiated the Eucharists.

After the corresponding follow-ups, the agents of the Armed Institute verified the movement of people who came to the house and that, indeed, the priest and the one that the investigators consider his romantic partner were distributing the illegal substances.

The protection that the priest believed his position gave him meant that he acted with impunity, as sources from the investigation tell this newspaper. That was what, they continue, made the priest let his guard down at certain times. Meanwhile,

Armed Institute

agents continued to gather evidence to complete their investigation.

According to the same sources, one of the people who bought


and the other stimulant products recognized that the person who supplied them was the priest and another man who lived with him.

The arrests were carried out yesterday in the priest's home. Throughout the afternoon, the agents of the

Armed Institute

carried out a thorough search and seized abundant substances ready to sell. It has not emerged whether those arrested gave a statement to the agents or availed themselves of their right not to testify.

They are expected to be handed over to the judicial authority today. The

Civil Guard

agents accuse them of a crime of trafficking in substances harmful to health outside the legal circuit. The arrests of the priest and his companion caused a great stir in the Don Benito area where the parish is located, since he was a man well known and respected by the parishioners.