Teller Report

Intelligent assistance is by no means "disabled" by owners of driverless new energy vehicles due to improper operation

2/20/2024, 3:32:48 AM

Highlights: Intelligent assistance is by no means "disabled" by owners of driverless new energy vehicles due to improper operation. There are also netizens who ignored safe driving prompts three times while driving, and the intelligent assisted driving function was disabled for a week. When driving a vehicle with the above functions, car owners still need to pay attention to the road conditions at all times and be ready to take over at any time. A Changjiang Daily reporter accidentally triggered the disabling of Intelligent assisted driving during the Spring Festival self-driving new energy vehicle.

  □ Changjiang Daily reporter Yang Rongfeng and intern Wang Lan

  This Spring Festival, many people heard for the first time that "intelligent assisted driving is disabled" - Yu Chengdong, chairman of Huawei's smart car solution business unit, said that because his hands were off the steering wheel for a long time, the intelligent assisted driving function was disabled by his car system. There are also netizens who ignored safe driving prompts three times while driving, and the intelligent assisted driving function was disabled for a week. A Changjiang Daily reporter accidentally triggered the disabling of intelligent assisted driving during the Spring Festival self-driving new energy vehicle. This function can be restored only after stopping and restarting.

  In this regard, relevant industry insiders stated that intelligent assisted driving is not equal to autonomous driving or driverless driving. When driving a vehicle with the above functions, car owners still need to pay attention to the road conditions at all times and be ready to take over at any time.

  ■ Netizens experienced that the intelligent assisted driving function was disabled for a week

  On February 13, a netizen called "Drinking and Forging Iron" reported that on New Year's Day, while driving a Tesla Model Y on the highway, he turned on the intelligent assisted driving function during the journey, and the intelligent assisted driving forced automatic exit was triggered three times in total. , the vehicle’s intelligent assisted driving function was subsequently disabled for a week.

  The reporter has the same car model as the netizen. On February 15, while driving during the Spring Festival, when the reporter turned on the intelligent assisted driving, he did not notice the "Please turn the steering wheel lightly" prompt on the car screen, and failed to turn the steering wheel lightly in time according to the system requirements, causing the intelligent assisted driving to be forced to automatically exit. , and then the screen of the car displays "Automatic assisted steering cannot be activated again for this drive."

  After the reporter parked at the next service area, the vehicle system prompted that if this situation occurs twice more, the intelligent assisted driving will not work properly. After the reporter restarted the vehicle, intelligent assisted driving resumed use.

  Tesla's official customer service staff told reporters that if the car owner does not notice the prompt "Please turn the steering wheel lightly" on the car screen while turning on intelligent assisted driving, and does not turn the steering wheel lightly, the car will be forced to automatically exit intelligent assisted driving. If forced exit is triggered three times in total, the intelligent assisted driving function will be disabled by the system for one week.

  "In the latest system upgrade, a new setting of disabling for one week has been added." The customer service staff said that in the past, the setting of disabling for one week was not accumulated three times. After the car owner was disabled, he parked his car and put it in P gear to wait for the next driver. You can use it again during your trip. The latest upgrade added this security setting. Recently, many car owners have indeed reported that the car has been disabled for a week, but this is done to allow car owners to use intelligent assisted driving correctly.

  ■ Most car brands have similar disabling settings

  Coincidentally, Yu Chengdong, chairman of Huawei's smart car solutions business unit, was also "punished" by his vehicle's intelligent assisted driving system.

  According to media reports, on the third day of the Lunar New Year, while Yu Chengdong was driving and turning on intelligent assisted driving, the vehicle's "hands-off detection" function recognized that his hands had left the steering wheel for a long time, and he was "penalized" to disable the intelligent assisted driving function for three minutes and resume use. I was "penalized" again, which resulted in me being no longer able to use intelligent assisted driving for that driving trip. Yu Chengdong could only go to the rest area to park, take a rest, restart the vehicle, and then restore the intelligent assisted driving system.

  The reporter saw in the "Instruction Manual" of a certain car model that after turning on intelligent assisted driving functions such as "Intelligent Navigation Assist (NCA)", if the vehicle detects that the driver continues to take off his hands for a specified period of time, a reminder will be issued to the driver. You need to hold the steering wheel with both hands in time to cancel the hands-off reminder. In situations such as "the driver's hands are off the steering wheel for more than the specified period of time", NCA will exit.

  Will other brands of new energy vehicles also automatically exit the intelligent assisted driving function because the driver is distracted or uses it incorrectly?

  The reporter consulted the official customer service of NIO, Xpeng, Ideal, Jikrypton, Avita and other brands and learned that when using the intelligent assisted driving function, if the vehicle detects that the driver has lost his or her hands on the steering wheel, it will issue icons and sound reminders. The driver takes over the steering wheel in time; if the driver fails to take over in time, the intelligent assisted driving function will automatically exit while ensuring safety.

  After triggering auto-exit multiple times, will it be disabled for a long time like Tesla does? The customer service staff of the above-mentioned car brands said that the automatic assisted driving function is generally disabled during the current driving trip. After parking the car and shifting the car into P gear, it can be used again for the next driving trip.

  ■ Industry experts: Intelligent assisted driving is not equal to autonomous driving

  When the reporter inquired about the operating instructions of multiple brands of models, they also found that these manufacturers all emphasized that intelligent assisted driving is not automatic driving or driverless driving.

  According to the "Instruction Manual" of a certain model of Wenjie, intelligent assisted driving is designed to assist the driver in driving. It is not automatic driving or driverless. It cannot replace the driver's focused driving and accurate judgment. The driver is always the driver of the vehicle. The person who is fully responsible shall bear full responsibility for safe driving. There are similar statements in the "User Manuals" of Xiaopeng and NIO, which also emphasize that the driver is always fully responsible for driving the vehicle and assumes full responsibility for safe driving.

  "Intelligent assisted driving is not equal to autonomous driving or driverless driving." Wang Ruzhuo, deputy manager of the image algorithm department of Wuhan Jimu Intelligent Technology Company, told reporters that only the L5 level is completely driverless, but the industry is still exploring this. Currently, the intelligent assisted driving of consumer-grade vehicles on the market is not equivalent to driverless or autonomous driving. It can only reach the L2 level according to regulations. Even if the manufacturer advertises that it is L2.5 or even L2.9, it is not driverless. The driver still needs to pay attention to the road conditions at all times and be ready to take over at any time. If a traffic accident occurs, it will only bear the responsibility of L2 level autonomous driving according to regulations, although the technology may have exceeded L2 level autonomous driving.