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Banks approved loans for "whitelist" projects exceeding 160 billion yuan! Establish urban real estate financing coordination mechanisms in many places

2/20/2024, 2:11:29 AM

Highlights: Banks approved loans for "whitelist" projects exceeding 160 billion yuan! Establish urban real estate financing coordination mechanisms in many places. More than 100 cities across the country have established urbanReal Estate financing coordination mechanism. Under the coordination of this mechanism, banks have granted more than 160billion yuan in credit to real estate projects. Many banks are connecting with the "white list" projects pushed by the real Estate financing mechanism. Many provincial and municipal financial regulatory authorities have recently increased coordination efforts to promote banks to speed up the approval of the reasonable financing needs of "white list" Projects.

  According to the requirements of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the State Administration of Financial Supervision, more than 100 cities across the country have established urban real estate financing coordination mechanisms to accurately support the reasonable financing needs of real estate projects. Under the coordination of this mechanism, banks have granted more than 160 billion yuan in credit to real estate projects.

Bank approves “whitelist” project loans

Over 160 billion yuan

  On the first working day after the Spring Festival holiday, Zhejiang Province’s first “whitelist” project loan pushed by the real estate financing coordination mechanism was officially issued. A local private real estate company’s project under construction received a development loan credit of 1.2 billion yuan from the bank. The first 3 The loan of 100 million yuan of funds was completed on the 18th.

  Zhu Yongjie, Vice President of Agricultural Bank of China Hangzhou Branch: We established a green approval channel and completed the loan approval work in just one day by adopting models such as exemption from pre-examination, integrated review, and joint due diligence and review operations.

  According to reports, currently 11 cities in Zhejiang have established real estate financing coordination mechanisms and have launched a comprehensive review of real estate projects with financing needs. Many banks are connecting with the "whitelist" projects pushed by the real estate financing coordination mechanism.

  Xu Xiaoping, Director of the Unified Information Office of the Zhejiang Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration: In the docking of the "white list", we emphasize the following two principles: First, meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate companies with different ownerships, and provide appropriate financing to private and mixed ownership Real estate projects are tilted. The second is to focus on supporting the construction and delivery of the project and ultimately protecting the legitimate rights and interests of home buyers.

  It is understood that many cities have proposed the first batch of real estate project financing "white lists" and pushed them to various banks. For eligible projects, banks have taken measures such as simplifying procedures, expanding authorization, and establishing green channels to speed up approval and ensure that financing is implemented as soon as possible. The reporter learned from large commercial banks such as Agricultural Bank of China and China Construction Bank and a number of national joint-stock banks that as of the 19th, more than 160 billion yuan of real estate “whitelist” project financing had been approved by banks, and the first loans for some projects had been issued.

Policy implementation accelerated

“Everything should be fully met” for reasonable financing needs

  In order to promote the urban real estate financing coordination mechanism to be implemented as soon as possible, many provincial and municipal financial regulatory authorities have recently increased coordination efforts to promote banks to speed up the approval of the reasonable financing needs of "white list" projects.

  At present, provinces and cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Zhejiang, Hubei, Fujian, Jiangsu and other provinces have established special teams to work on the real estate financing coordination mechanism. On the one hand, they strengthen coordination with local governments and housing construction departments, and at the same time urge banks within their jurisdiction to improve System and process, optimize the loan approval process, and strive to meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate whitelist projects.

  Xu Xiaoping, Director of the Unified Information Office of the Zhejiang Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration: For projects under normal development and construction, we emphasize rapid financing, and achieve “immediate approval and instant loan” by opening up green channels and optimizing the approval process; for For projects that encounter temporary difficulties in development and construction, but whose funds are basically balanced, banks must be urged to support them by extending existing loans and adjusting repayment arrangements.

  Lu Zhixin, Director of the Unified Information Office of the Chongqing Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration: Regarding the difficulties and problems that exist in the docking process, such as the "four certificates" processing of projects and the mortgage of projects under construction, We will also coordinate with the housing construction and other departments to try our best to solve some difficulties and problems that exist during the project promotion process.

  Regarding the funds that have been released, the regulatory authorities have also made it clear that they must strengthen the management of the use of loan funds and strictly prevent credit funds from being used for land purchase or other investments.

  The State Administration of Financial Supervision also clarified that local financial regulatory authorities must summarize good experiences and practices in accordance with the requirements of the coordination mechanism, and increase replication and promotion efforts. Reasonable financing needs should be met as much as possible to help the real estate market develop steadily and healthily.

  (CCTV reporter Wang Lei and Wang Xuan Hangzhou Channel)