Teller Report

Average price of new condominiums in Tokyo and 3 prefectures released in January continues to exceed 100 million yen in Tokyo's 23 wards

2/20/2024, 8:41:03 AM

Highlights: Average price of new condominiums in Tokyo and 3 prefectures released in January continues to exceed 100 million yen in Tokyo's 23 wards. Average price per unit in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, and Chiba last month was 79.56 million yen, which is higher than the same month last year. The research firm said, high-priced properties that are popular with wealthy people are being supplied one after another. regulations on overtime work in the construction industry will be tightened from April this year.

[NHK] The average price of newly built condominiums sold in Tokyo and three prefectures in the Tokyo metropolitan area last month was 79.56 million yen, an increase of more than 20% from the same month last year. last year…

The average price of newly built condominiums sold in Tokyo and three prefectures in the Tokyo metropolitan area last month was 79.56 million yen, an increase of more than 20% from the same month last year. In Tokyo's 23 wards, where the average price for the year exceeded 100 million yen for the first time last year, it exceeded 100 million yen last month and continues to be high.

According to the research company Real Estate Economic Research Institute, the average price per unit of newly built condominiums sold in Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, and Chiba prefectures last month was 79.56 million yen, which is higher than the same month last year. It increased by 22.2%.

Among these,

the average price in Tokyo's 23 wards was 115.61 million yen, which was 36.7% higher than the same month last year,

▽Chiba Prefecture was 65.92 million yen, which was 63%,

▽Kanagawa Prefecture was 62.97 million yen, which was 14.6%, each rose.

On the other hand,

sales in the area excluding the 23 wards of Tokyo decreased by 9.7% to 52.88 million yen,

and in Saitama Prefecture by 0.2% to 49.89 million yen.

In Tokyo's 23 wards, the annual average price exceeded 100 million yen for the first time last year, and it continued to exceed 100 million yen last month, continuing the trend of pushing up prices in the metropolitan area as a whole.

The research firm said, ``In the metropolitan area, high-priced properties that are popular with wealthy people are being supplied one after another as last year.In the metropolitan area as a whole, regulations on overtime work in the construction industry will be tightened from April this year. "Costs are expected to rise further, and prices will likely remain at high levels."