Teller Report

(Economic Observer) “Fancy health care” is popular, and health consumption among Chinese young people has surged

2/20/2024, 11:12:31 AM

Highlights: Health care consumption among Chinese young people has surged. Chinese consumers are more eager for health and stability. Sales of sugar-free pastries, health gift boxes, low-fat snacks and other commodities in the Spring Festival consumer market have grown rapidly. China's huge potential and space in the field of health and nutrition is difficult for any country to match (over) any country, says DSM-Fermen President, with a rigid demand for foreign health management companies. The total proportion of 25-year-olds is as high as 71%.

  China News Service, Beijing, February 20 (Reporter Li Xiaoyu) Wang Fei, a 28-year-old office worker, recently discovered a good place to decompress and relax on weekends: a community hospital massage room.

  Wang Fei said that he has occupational diseases such as cervical spondylosis, tenosynovitis, and backache. I went to a community hospital to register for less than the price of a cup of milk tea. After the doctor massaged me, my head no longer hurt and my shoulders were no longer stiff. "I feel like my whole body has come to life." Now, massage has become his daily indispensable way to "extension of life".

  In China, there are more and more young people like Wang Fei who are passionate about health care. On the Douyin platform, videos under the topic "Ba Duan Jin" have been played nearly 2.5 billion times; "The best timetable for sunbathing in the dog days of summer" was also a hot search on Weibo. If you enter the word "health" on social media platforms such as Xiaohongshu and WeChat, you will see a large number of articles teaching people how to regulate their stomach, improve sleep, and enhance immunity with less money.

  In addition to saving money, the health regimen of the "post-95s" and "post-00s" also pursues peace of mind. During the Spring Festival holiday this year, Li Bei took advantage of the discount to stock up on 90 days of dietary nutritional supplements, which claim to be enough to provide the body with all the nutrients it needs every day in just one cup. In her opinion, this kind of super worry-free health regimen that does not require eating a lot of bottles and cans, but is "one step done", is especially suitable for those who work constantly every day and "don't have enough brain power".

  Some observations believe that after experiencing the COVID-19 epidemic, Chinese consumers are more eager for health and stability, their consumption has become more rational, and their demand for the functionality and emotional value of goods and services is also higher. You can maintain your physique and improve your condition by spending a small amount of money, which is becoming more and more attractive to consumers.

  This change in mentality is also reflected in people’s New Year shopping carts. Xu Xingfeng, director of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce of China, recently introduced that sales of sugar-free pastries, health gift boxes, low-fat snacks and other commodities in the Spring Festival consumer market this year have grown rapidly.

  According to data from Worth Buy Technology Data Center, during this year’s New Year’s Day, the popularity of health care products increased by 109% year-on-year, the total transaction volume of deep-sea fish oil increased by 36% year-on-year, and the popularity of probiotics, coenzyme Q10, and vitamins increased by 107%, 39%, and 20% year-on-year. In addition, consumers are also willing to invest more in health, and the number of orders for physical examination packages during the New Year Festival increased by 31% year-on-year.

  According to Meituan’s drug buying statistics, during this year’s Spring Festival “Wandian Live Broadcast” event, melatonin tablets were very popular among young people. The main purchasers for improving sleep overall were concentrated in people aged 25-30, followed by those aged 30-35 and 20- The total proportion of 25-year-olds is as high as 71%. The person in charge of Meituan’s drug purchase said that the popularity of health products is rising across the board, showing a new trend of rigid demand, normalization and personalization.

  The enthusiasm among Chinese young people for health and wellness has also led to foreign companies seeing business opportunities.

  Zhou Tao, President of DSM-Fermenich China, said in an interview with a reporter from China News Service that the current demand for health management in China's first-tier cities is increasing day by day. China's huge development potential and space in the field of health and nutrition is difficult for any country to match. (over)