Teller Report

``Takeshima seafood curry'' made with rice exactly like Takeshima at the Shimane prefectural government cafeteria

2/20/2024, 9:11:06 PM

Highlights: February 22nd is "Takeshima Day" at the Shimane Prefectural Office cafeteria. The shape of Takeshima was created using a mold precisely reproduced with a 3D printer. The ingredients include plenty of turban shells and squid caught in Oki. Advance reservations were accepted this year, and when business began on the 20th, customers continued to arrive, and 50 meals were sold out in no time.  60 servings of “TakesHima Seafood Curry” will be provided on the 21st, including those sold on the day.

[NHK] February 22nd is "Takeshima Day". At the Shimane Prefectural Office cafeteria, ``Takeshima seafood curry'' was served, with rice arranged in the exact shape of Takeshima.

February 22nd is "Takeshima Day". At the Shimane Prefectural Office cafeteria, ``Takeshima seafood curry'' was served, with rice arranged in the exact shape of Takeshima.

``Takeshima Seafood Curry'' is characterized by rice shaped exactly like Takeshima and a roux sprinkled around it reminiscent of the Sea of ​​Japan, and the ingredients include plenty of turban shells and squid caught in Oki.

It was devised nine years ago in 2015 by the mayor of Okinoshima Town, Shimane Prefecture, and the shape of Takeshima was created using a mold precisely reproduced with a 3D printer.

Advance reservations were accepted this year, and when business began on the 20th, customers continued to arrive, and 50 meals were sold out in no time.

A 25-year-old Shimane Prefectural employee said, ``Since I haven't had a chance to actually see Takeshima, I had an image of ``this is what it looks like.''It renewed my desire to study the Takeshima issue.''

Ken Ishikura, head chef at the cafeteria, said, ``We were conscious of faithfully reproducing the location of Takeshima.People may not have many opportunities to think about the Takeshima issue, but I hope it will be an opportunity to think about it.'' .

60 servings of “Takeshima Seafood Curry” will be provided on the 21st, including those sold on the day.