Teller Report

There were no civilian casualties: the FSB prevented a terrorist attack against one of the political figures of Zaporozhye

2/19/2024, 2:50:33 PM

Highlights: In Zaporozhye, a terrorist attack against one of the local political figures was prevented. The activities of Russian citizen Vitaly Dyatlenko, recruited by the Security Service of Ukraine, were suppressed. Three citizens of the Russian Federation were detained who, on instructions from the SBU, were preparing to blow up a car in Simferopol. Since the beginning of the NWO, 419 terrorist crimes have been prevented, which were prepared by persons recruited by international terrorist organizations, Ukrainian special services and neo-Nazi organizations.

In the Zaporozhye region, the preparation of a terrorist attack using an improvised explosive device against one of the political figures was prevented. As the FSB reported, the activities of Russian citizen Vitaly Dyatlenko, recruited by the Security Service of Ukraine, were suppressed. He was neutralized by offering armed resistance during arrest. During the search, a Makarov pistol with ammunition was seized from the criminal. The issue of initiating a criminal case is currently being considered.

In Zaporozhye, a terrorist attack against one of the local political figures was prevented, the FSB TsOS reported.

“The Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation uncovered and suppressed the activities of Russian citizen Vitaly Dyatlenko, who was recruited by the Security Service of Ukraine and, on the eve of the 2024 election cycle, prepared a terrorist act against one of the political figures of the Zaporozhye region,” the message says.

The man offered armed resistance to security officers and was neutralized by retaliatory actions. It is indicated that there were no casualties among the civilian population and law enforcement officers.

During the inspection of the scene, a Makarov pistol, ammunition and spent cartridges were discovered and seized. At the moment, security forces are carrying out a set of urgent operational-search measures and investigative actions. The issue of initiating a criminal case is also being considered.

“The crime was planned to be committed using an improvised explosive device. The SBU officers coordinated the activities and supplied the saboteur with explosives,” the FSB emphasized.


  • The FSB eliminated an SBU agent who was preparing a terrorist attack in the Zaporozhye region

Countering the criminal activities of the Kyiv regime

On February 13, security forces prevented the explosion of a gas distribution station in the Leningrad region. The perpetrator of the crime, who turned out to be a citizen of Ukraine, acting on instructions from the SBU, was detained. Five ready-to-use improvised explosive devices were confiscated from him, which he tried to plant at a pipeline junction.

On February 12, a citizen of Belarus was detained in Voronezh, who was involved in the arson of a traction power substation of Tula City Electric Networks JSC in Tula on instructions from the Ukrainian special services.

The detainee, who had previously served a sentence in Belarus for hooliganism with the use of weapons, explosives or flammable substances, established contact with an employee of the Ukrainian special services in January.

After this, the man arrived in Tula, where he made a homemade incendiary device and set fire to an electrical substation. He submitted a report on these actions to the curator, for which he received a monetary reward and the next task - arson at a transformer electrical substation and pumping station in Voronezh.

A criminal case has been initiated against the detainee under the article “Sabotage”. He faces a sentence of up to 20 years in prison.

On February 5, FSB officers prevented a terrorist attack in Crimea. Three citizens of the Russian Federation were detained who, on instructions from the SBU, were preparing to blow up a car in Simferopol belonging to one of the leaders of the region. A radio-controlled improvised explosive device made from a modified German-made anti-tank mine was found and seized from the attackers. Criminal cases have been initiated under the articles “Attempted to commit a terrorist act” and “Illegal acquisition of explosive devices.”

NAC meeting

On February 13, a meeting of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee took place. Based on its results, it became known that since the beginning of the NWO, 419 terrorist crimes have been prevented, which were prepared by persons recruited by international terrorist organizations, Ukrainian special services and neo-Nazi organizations or who fell under the influence of anti-Russian propaganda.

As the chairman of the NAC, the director of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, noted, international terrorist organizations, against the backdrop of the SVO, have intensified recruitment via the Internet, trying to find potential perpetrators of terrorist crimes.

“Western intelligence services and the Ukrainian centers of information and psychological operations controlled by them seek to involve our citizens in sabotage and terrorist activities,” the NAC statement says.