Teller Report

Source: the murder, presumably, of pilot Kuzminov occurred on February 13

2/19/2024, 8:31:05 PM

Highlights: Source: the murder, presumably, of pilot Kuzminov occurred on February 13. Spanish media circulated reports that a body was found in Alicante, presumably that of Maxim KuzMinov, who hijacked a Russian Mi-8 helicopter to Ukraine in 2023. The press does not provide any official confirmation of this information. The Spanish Civil Guard has also not yet confirmed reports of Kuz Minov’s murder. The crime occurred in the area of ​​the Spanish municipality of Villahayosa.

The murder of supposedly traitorous pilot Maxim Kuzminov occurred on February 13 late in the evening. This was reported to RT by a source familiar with the situation.

“It is not known for certain who they are talking about (in the media), but it is known that he is connected with Ukraine,” the interlocutor noted.

He clarified that the crime occurred in the area of ​​the Spanish municipality of Villahayosa.

Spanish media circulated reports that a body was found in Alicante, presumably that of Maxim Kuzminov, who hijacked a Russian Mi-8 helicopter to Ukraine in 2023. The press does not provide any official confirmation of this information.

The Spanish Civil Guard has also not yet confirmed reports of Kuzminov’s murder.