Teller Report

President Zelenskiy encourages soldiers at eastern base, perhaps aiming to emphasize thorough resistance

2/19/2024, 9:50:55 PM

Highlights: President Zelenskiy encourages soldiers at eastern base, perhaps aiming to emphasize thorough resistance. The Ukrainian army has just announced the withdrawal of troops from Audiiivka, a stronghold in the eastern Donetsk region. Former President of Russia and Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Medvedev said on the 19th in Chechnya that more than 53,000 people have served in the military since January 1st this year. The country has emphasized that it is increasing its military strength in combat areas, and is poised to intensify its offensive.

[NHK] The Ukrainian military announced that it would withdraw from Audiiivka, a stronghold in the east that was the site of a fierce battle with Russia, but President Zelenskiy said...

The Ukrainian military announced its withdrawal from Audiiivka, a stronghold in the east that was the site of a fierce battle with Russia, but on the 19th, President Zelenskiy toured another stronghold in the eastern Kharkiv region and encouraged the soldiers. . He appears to be aiming to emphasize his stance to fight back.

The Ukrainian President's Office announced on the 19th that President Zelenskiy visited the front line in Kupyansk, in the eastern Kharkiv Oblast, where fierce fighting with Russian forces is occurring.

President Zelenskiy received a report on the progress of the battle from the local commander and encouraged the soldiers by awarding them with medals.

The Ukrainian army has just announced the withdrawal of troops from Audiiivka, a stronghold in the eastern Donetsk region, where fierce fighting has continued with the Russian army, and President Zelenskiy has personally encouraged his soldiers and is prepared to fight back vigorously. It seems that the purpose is to emphasize.

On the other hand, the Russian side has announced that it has taken complete control of Audi Ivka, and is now aiming to take control of the entire Donetsk region.

Former President of Russia and Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Medvedev said on the 19th in Chechnya in southern Russia, where he was visiting, that ``more than 53,000 people have served in the military since January 1st this year.'' The country has emphasized that it is increasing its military strength in combat areas, and is poised to intensify its offensive as the 24th of this month marks two years since the military invasion.