Teller Report

Mazón obtains from Ribera the agreement for a commission of experts to review the rules of the Tajo-Segura transfer

2/19/2024, 2:50:40 PM

Highlights: Mazón obtains from Ribera the agreement for a commission of experts to review the rules of the Tajo-Segura transfer. "We must update the rules as soon as possible, as the Council of State told us," RiberA warned. "The flows and the plans are not in question, only the new rules," she said. "I am grateful that the Ministry does not resort to unilateralism. It is very interesting new music and it would be historic if there was an agreement"

The president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Carlos Mazón, left his meeting of more than hours with the third vice president and Minister of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera,...

Inma Lidón Valencia


Updated Monday, February 19, 2024-15:00

  • Water The Valencian Community, Murcia and Andalusia demand that Ribera reach a consensus and guarantee the future of the Tajo-Segura transfer

The president of the Generalitat Valenciana,

Carlos Mazón

, left his meeting of more than hours with the third vice president and Minister of Ecological Transition,

Teresa Ribera

, with the objective achieved. In the spirit of making a "clean slate" after months of disagreements, he found that not only were the demands heard but that relevant agreements were reached, such as the one that will determine the exploitation rules of the Tajo-


transfer .

As EL MUNDO reported, the Valencian Community, together with the Region of




, demanded in writing from the Ministry that, given the need to review the technical standard that will determine how much water can come from the headwaters of the Tagus to the basin of the Surely, a working commission will be created where the affected communities, including Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura and even Madrid, will participate in a "

dialogue process

" to reach a "long-range agreement."

That proposal has been accepted by Ribera in the first flexible position that he is reminded of on that "sensitive issue." "It is a good idea that, now that it is time to update the rules, we can count on the participation of community technicians. From the Government we will listen to all the territories, which do not always coincide, and if there are discrepancies, the decision will be made in the interest general. But

I consider it positive that the technicians of the territories listen to each other

the solution proposals they provide," said the minister, who will put the group to work next week. "We must update the rules as soon as possible, as the

Council of State

told us ," Ribera warned. In a first phase, the General Directorate of Water will summon those responsible for the area of

​​Castilla-La Mancha

, the Valencian Community and Andalusia and, in a second phase, it is considered inviting


, due to the impact it has on the Guadiana. .

The Ministry's starting point is the current rules, which will have to adjust to the new hydrological plans that contemplate the increase in ecological flows. "The flows and the plans are not in question, only the new rules. In my opinion, the fact that there has only been one month of transfer 0 despite three years of severe drought shows that the rules work well. It is worth seeing if they are necessary improvements to refine more. In this debate it is important to listen to the technical approaches of all those involved," Ribera warned.

The objective is that discrepancies can arise in this forum, without the need for them to end up in court, as happened with the basin plans approved a year ago, and that decisions are adopted "after rigorous dialogue and search for agreements." ". "We want to participate in this new framework, know the maximums and minimums that can be transferred and know the technical reasons, to avoid controversies and for the technical arguments of the autonomies to be heard. That is why I am glad that Castilla-La Mancha is there.

I am grateful that "the Ministry does not resort to unilateralism

. It is very interesting new music and it would be historic if there was an agreement. And until it is fulfilled," Mazón assured that, he did make it clear that he will continue in the Supreme Court claiming that knowing "who, how and "How" the approved ecological flows for the Tagus were established.

Emergency plan for the Albufera

Another agreement between Mazón and Ribera is that the


will have "an emergency plan" with a schedule of water contributions to complete the water needs of this space, which are currently estimated at 10 hm3.

Another of the points discussed has been the zero discharge strategy to take advantage of and reuse the water available in the Valencian Community, as well as the commitment of the Generalitat to carry out the


post-transfer works and the Ministry to continue collaborating in ensuring that the price of the water that reaches the Alicante countryside through this infrastructure is acceptable.

At the meeting, administrative agility was also requested from the Ministry to promote the development of the

green hydrogen

"cluster" that, with the help of BP, is being formed in Castellón and which represents a very important investment and a future solution for the needs energy of the ceramic industry.

Another point of discrepancy between the Ministry and the Generalitat is the

Coastal Law

. "We have different points of view, but also the commitment to move forward together without surprises, and thus reach the conviction of whether we can act together or not. Let us know in advance and then let each one make the decisions that their competencies allow," Ribera warned that he did commit to Mazón to set a calendar for priority works to regenerate the Valencian coasts.

What they remain united in is the transfer of

water from the Sagunto desalination plant to Catalonia

starting June 1, if necessary. "We maintain the discourse of solidarity that water in Spain belongs to everyone and for everyone. It is positive to have this culture of water. We had asked for guarantees of compatibility with local uses and sustainability of the Valencian coast and both are on the way to being guaranteed "Mazón concluded.