Teller Report

Local Autonomy Law amendment bill finalized: “The national government can give instructions to local governments in emergencies”

2/19/2024, 10:11:02 PM

Highlights: Local Autonomy Law amendment bill finalized: “The national government can give instructions to local governments in emergencies”. The government plans to create special provisions that will allow it to issue specific instructions. During the drafting process, local governments expressed concerns that the equal relationship between the national and local governments would be undermined. It was stipulated that when the national government gives instructions, it should endeavor to seek opinions from local governments. The government is aiming to pass the amendment bill in the current Diet session.

[NHK] Based on the challenges of responding to the new coronavirus, special provisions have been added that allow the national government to issue necessary instructions to local governments in the event of a serious situation such as an infectious disease or disaster...

In light of the challenges of responding to the new coronavirus, a bill has been finalized to revise the Local Autonomy Act, which includes special provisions that would allow the national government to issue necessary instructions to local governments in the event of a serious situation such as an infectious disease or disaster. During the drafting process, local governments expressed concerns that the equal relationship between the national and local governments would be undermined, and it was also stipulated that when the national government gives instructions, it should endeavor to seek opinions from local governments.

The government has compiled a bill to revise the Local Autonomy Act, which focuses on reviewing the relationship between the national and local governments, as issues such as difficulties in coordinating with local governments regarding the response to the new coronavirus have become clear.

According to this, in the event of a situation that has a serious impact on the safety of the people, such as a large-scale disaster or the spread of an infectious disease, the national government will, after a cabinet decision, provide necessary information to local governments, even if there are no provisions in individual laws. The government plans to create special provisions that will allow it to issue specific instructions.

During the process of drafting the amendment, the National Governors' Association raised concerns such as ``there is a risk that the equal relationship between the national and local governments may be damaged.''

For this reason, it was stipulated that when the national government issues instructions, it must endeavor to take appropriate measures, such as requesting local governments to submit materials and opinions that show the situation on the ground in advance.

The government is aiming to pass the amendment bill in the current Diet session.