Teller Report

Jilin's "first meeting" after the holiday focuses on optimizing the business environment for ten consecutive years

2/19/2024, 2:11:47 PM

Highlights: The Jilin Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government held a province-wide conference on optimizing the business environment and accelerating project construction. This is the tenth consecutive year that the local government has focused on the "first meeting" after the holiday. As of 2022, the number of market operating entities will reach 3.32 million, a year-on-year increase of 10.4%, ranking first in the Northeast region. In 2023, there will be a net inflow of the local population for the first time since 2011.

  China News Service, Changchun, February 18 (Reporter Guo Jia) The Jilin Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government held a province-wide conference on optimizing the business environment and accelerating project construction on the 18th. This is the tenth consecutive year that the local government has focused on the "first meeting" after the holiday. Optimize the business environment.

  In recent years, it has become a practice for Jilin, an old industrial base province, to focus on optimizing the business environment during the "first meeting" after the holiday. On the same day, the Jilin Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Jilin Provincial Political Bureau, Jilin Provincial Department of Commerce and other departments, as well as relevant responsible persons from Changchun City, Jilin City, Yanbian Prefecture, Qianguo County and other places, successively reported on measures to optimize the business environment and the resumption of major projects. Condition.

  The day before, the local government issued the "Jilin Province Key Action Plan for Business Environment Optimization in 2024", covering 36 optimization measures in 6 aspects and 4 safeguard measures, including the establishment of business assistance service offices in government service centers at all levels; the comprehensive implementation of the "First system; implement flexible fire protection law enforcement; strive to add 10,000 new first-time loan business entities, with an additional first-time loan amount of 20 billion yuan, etc.

  “Jilin Province needs to build a golden brand that does not ask for help and makes government services more flexible, convenient and comfortable.” Cui Ping, director of Jilin Provincial Political Bureau, said that creating a first-class business environment is to step on the accelerator more and less To "brake", set up more "road signs" and fewer "roadblocks", we should not only make things that can be done easier and easier to do, but also make things that should be done and difficult things be done efficiently.

  Facts have proven that the local construction of a market-oriented, legal and international first-class business environment has greatly stimulated the vitality of market entities. As of 2022, the number of market operating entities will reach 3.32 million, a year-on-year increase of 10.4%, ranking first in the Northeast region. . In 2023, there will be a net inflow of the local population for the first time since 2011, especially the inflow of high-end talents has exceeded the outflow for three consecutive years.

  Zhang Enhui, Secretary of the Changchun Municipal Party Committee, said that the city will further strengthen the construction of a rule of law and an honest government, implement a project to build a market environment that benefits enterprises, promote the pilot of "one code for licenses and licenses", and strive to add 85,000 private enterprises throughout the year. We will improve the database of enterprise-friendly policies and strive to include more than 40% of enterprise-friendly policy matters within the scope of “enjoy without application”.

  Zhang Zhixin, director of the Jilin Provincial Development and Reform Commission, said that mechanisms such as leadership guarantees, special class promotion, and project secretarial services will be further improved, and full-process tracking and full-process guarantees will be provided for projects. Fixed-point approval and commitment approval will be flexibly used, and risk controllable links will be implemented tolerantly. Lack of approval and construction management.

  Jing Junhai, Secretary of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee, pointed out in his concluding speech that to promote the comprehensive revitalization of Jilin in the new era and take the lead in achieving new breakthroughs, we must pay close attention to the construction of the business environment. It is necessary to continue to optimize the government affairs environment, continue to improve the efficiency of examination and approval, relax digital supervision to promote vitality, and establish various digital platforms for enterprises and the public to not only provide high-quality and convenient services, but also maintain good market order and a fair competition environment.

  Jing Junhai emphasized that the Provincial Party Committee has designated this year as the "Year of Implementation". All localities and departments must focus their energy on implementation, establish a mechanism for the party and government to have equal responsibilities and five-level secretaries to implement, and resolutely rectify formalism with the spirit of nailing , to reduce the burden on the grassroots, vigorously cultivate the good style of "strictness, innovation, refinement and pragmatism", and create a new situation in the province's business environment and project construction with hard work. (over)