Teller Report

Israeli soldiers document their retaliatory operations in Gaza

2/19/2024, 2:40:34 PM

Highlights: Israeli soldiers document their retaliatory operations in Gaza. Video clips have spread on social media platforms documenting Israeli soldiers blowing up buildings in the Gaza Strip. These soldiers did not specify the locations or dates of the bombings, but they clearly indicated that they came in response to the human losses among their ranks. Since the beginning of the aggression against Gaza in October 2023, many Israeli soldiers have documented acts of retaliation. These actions are considered a violation of military rules, and the Israeli army has announced the opening of an investigation into the incidents.

Video clips have spread on social media platforms documenting Israeli soldiers blowing up buildings in the Gaza Strip, in retaliation for those killed in the recent battles in the Strip, which has been witnessing a fierce war since the seventh of last October.

Many Israeli soldiers documented acts of retaliation, including blowing up and burning homes and vandalizing shops in Gaza (French)

Video clips have spread on social media platforms documenting Israeli soldiers blowing up buildings in the Gaza Strip, in retaliation for those killed in the recent battles in the Strip, which has been witnessing a fierce war since the seventh of last October.

These soldiers did not specify the locations or dates of the bombings, but they clearly indicated that they came in response to the human losses among their ranks.

One of them said in a video clip that the upcoming explosion is part of his revenge for his younger brother who was killed in the Gaza Strip, without specifying the date.

He added - via the army's internal phone network before the bombing - that the next explosion is dedicated to the memory of his little brother, Or Yosef Ran, who was killed near the town of Kfar Azza.

Another video clip showed a large explosion in a Palestinian neighborhood, accompanied by smoke and dust rising from the place.

An Israeli soldier said in the video clip that he was carrying out this bombing in honor of the memory of his older brother, who was killed in a battle in the Gaza Strip, without specifying the date or location. He also explained this via the internal phone of the occupation army.

In a third video clip, an Israeli soldier documented an explosion in memory of his commander who was killed in the Gaza battles, noting that it was “a dedication and honor to the memory of Lieutenant Nathaniel Al-Kubi,” according to what he said on the army’s internal telephone network.

He added that the bombing commemorates the Cuban and all the commanders and soldiers of the 630th Battalion who were killed in the battle. The soldiers counted down from 5 to 0 before documenting the explosions in various Palestinian neighborhoods in the Gaza Strip.

Since the beginning of the aggression against Gaza in October 2023, many Israeli soldiers have documented acts of retaliation, including blowing up and burning homes and vandalizing shops in Gaza.

These actions are considered a violation of military rules, and the Israeli army has announced the opening of an investigation into the incidents, but has not yet issued any disciplinary measures against its soldiers.

The number of Israeli soldiers and officers killed since the beginning of the war has risen to 574, including 236 in the ground battles that began on October 27, according to recent data published on the occupation army’s website.

Since the "Al-Aqsa Flood", Israel has been waging a fierce war on the besieged Palestinian Strip, which as of yesterday, Sunday, resulted in the martyrdom of 28,985 citizens, and the injury of 68,883 others, most of them children and women. This war also caused massive destruction of infrastructure, leaving an “unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe,” according to Palestinian and international reports.

Source: Anadolu Agency